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2025 Leadership Matters
National FOP Legislative Office
About About
February 20-22, 2025
Sheraton Music City
Nashville, Tennessee
February 20-22, 2025
Sheraton Music City
Nashville, Tennessee
Leadership Matters continues to be one
of our most popular training events,
designed specifically to aid new and
aspiring lodge officers in conducting the
business of their lodge more efficiently.
Political Action and much more. Many of the training sessions are taught by
national executive board members, committee chairs, and seasoned staff. We have
found that this form of instruction provides the attendee with the unique
opportunity to not only learn but to meet one on one with the leadership of the
Officially starting Thursday, February 20th at 9:00 AM, a bonus session is scheduled
for Wednesday, February 19th starting at 3:00PM for those who wish to arrive early.
Event sign-in will start Wednesday, February 19th at 12:00 PM, as well as one hour
prior to each day’s session and will continue throughout the day.
Attendees are encouraged to bring a lap top computer or other electronic device,
as all training material will be available electronically.
A copy of Robert's Rules of Order in Brief will be given only upon request, as
indicated on the registration form.
Vendors will be on site promoting their programs and providing materials that are
of benefit to members.
FOP merchandise will be available for sale Thursday and Friday during event hours.
This event does fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended.
For more information, contact Stephanie Simpson at ssimpson@fop.net.
February 20-22, 2025
Sheraton Music City
Nashville, Tennessee
$500 Registration Fee
Registration Deadline:
February 3, 2025
Event Features:
Attendees will experience three (3) days of
classes focusing on Administrative, Executive
and Financial training as well as sessions on
Leadership, Labor, Member Outreach,
February 20-22, 2025
Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TN
Registration Fee: $500
per person. Registration deadline is
February 3, 2025.
Attendee Information:
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Lodge: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ________
Phone: ______________________ Email: _______________________________________
(please select one) President Secretary Treasurer Other: _____________
Is this your first time attending? Yes No
Check here to request a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order
* Please note: A copy will only be provided if this box is checked.
Method of Payment:
(please select one)
*Please note: A convenience fee of 3% will be added by the card processing company to all credit card transactions. No part of this
fee goes to the National Fraternal Order of Police.
Check Amex Discover Mastercard Visa
Name on Card: ______________________________________________________________
Credit Card #: ______________________________________________________________
Exp. Date: ________________ Security Code: ___________ Total Payment: $_______________
Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: ________________ Zip: _______________
Email for Payment Receipt: _______________________________________________________
Send Registration Forms and Payment To:
Forms can be sent in by mail or email. If sent by email, complete and save before sending. Confirmation will be emailed upon receipt
of the registration form and payment.
National Fraternal Order of Police
Attention: Stephanie Simpson
701 Marriott Drive, Nashville, TN 37214
Email: ssimpson@fop.net | Phone: 800-451-2711
Leadership Matters 2025
Registration Form
Sheraton Music City
777 McGavock Pike
Nashville, TN 37214
Group Room Rate: $160 + Tax
Deadline for booking rooms at the group rate is January 20, 2025.
Parking: $10 per day
This includes self parking and day parking for attendees not staying at the hotel.
There is no validation for parking.
The hotel does provide shuttle service to and from the airport.
You must register for the event first
After your registration form and payment have
been received, you will receive an email
confirmation from the National Office
containing a link for making your hotel
reservations online. The hotel prefers that all
reservations be made through this link. Rooms
must be booked one at a time; multiple rooms
cannot be booked at the same time.
The room block will fill up quickly. Rooms are
first-come, first-served, so early registration is
Attendee Check-In will be in the Hermitage Lobby area beginning Wednesday,
February 19th at 12:00 pm.
Hands-On Membership Database Training will be available in Edgewood on
Thursday and Friday.
Lunch will be served buffet style in the Main Lobby and can be eaten in the
McGavock Ballroom and Belle Meade Room.
FOP Benefits Vendors will be set up in the Hermitage Lobby. Please stop by the
tables and see what great benefits are available to FOP members.
FOP Merchandise will be available for purchase in Belmont on Thursday and Friday.
National FOP Headquarters: The building will be open for tours on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding lunch hour). Everyone
is invited to come by for a tour and take pictures.
Hospitality Room: Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights from 6:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m. in the McGavock Ballroom.
Class Agenda
Wednesday, February 19 - Bonus Session
12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Early Seminar Check-In (Hermitage Lobby)
Arriving early? Want to get a head start on classes? Extra classes are being offered on
Wednesday afternoon. The official start of the event is Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m.
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. How to Prepare Your Lodge to Be a Collective
Bargaining Organization* (Hermitage C)
Also offered on Friday, February 21 from 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Roger Mayberry, NFOP Director of Labor Services
Michael Coviello, NFOP Associate General Counsel
Basic Robert’s Rules of Order* (Hermitage D)
Also offered on Friday, February 21 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Rob Pride, Chairman of National Trustees
FOP Legal Defense Plan* (Hermitage E)
Also offered on Friday, February 21 from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
and 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Michael Yon, Hylant Group and Steve James, NFOP Sergeant-at-Arms
4:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Break
4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. 7 Basics to Negotiations* (Hermitage C)
Also offered on Friday, February 21 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Roger Mayberry, NFOP Director of Labor Services
Michael Coviello, NFOP Associate General Counsel
Breaking Burnout: Re-Igniting the Flame* (Hermitage D)
Also offered on Friday, February 21 from 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Rick Snyder, NFOP Chaplain
Introduction to Leadership Matters for New Attendees
(Hermitage E)
Keith Turney, NFOP Director of Education & Outreach
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Welcome Reception (McGavock Ballroom)
Note: * indicates a class offered multiple times.