LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYNational President Patrick Yoes traveled toChicago, Illinois for a FOP Legal Defense Planmeeting.National President Patrick Yoes gave numerous media interviewsin regard to the crime wave that many cities across America areexperiencing as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.National President Yoes and Executive Director Jim Pasco had aZoom call with Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Secretary of the U.S.Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and senior executivesfrom national law enforcement organizations to discussrevisions to immigration enforcement policies.
READ MORE: PEACE OFFICERS' MEMORIAL SERVICELEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYExecutive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Cedric L. Richmond,Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the White HouseOffice of Public Engagement, regarding the FOP's upcoming 40thAnnual Peace Officers' Memorial Service.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with U.S. Associate AttorneyGeneral Vanita Gupta regarding law enforcement oriented grantprograms.
LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYExecutive Director Jim Pasco gave numerous media interviewsin regard to criminal justice reform and the nationwide increasein violent crime.Executive Director Jim Pasco also gave numerous mediainterviews pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic andvaccinations and the impacts on public safety. The NationalFOP believes in the science behind the COVID-19 vaccines andthat vaccinations work to prevent people from becominginfected by or transmitting COVID-19. However, the NationalFOP continues to believe that whether or not to accept thevaccine is a personal decision. UPDATED POLICY STATEMENT: COVID-19 VACCINES
LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYS. 921, the “Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila Federal Officersand Employees Protection Act,” which would clarify thatFederal law clearly and unambiguously protects Federal lawenforcement officers and other employees operating outsideour borders;S. 1502, the “Confidentiality Opportunities for Peer Support(COPS) Act,” which would reduce the barriers for lawenforcement officers when trying to access mental healthresources; andS. 1511, the “Protecting America’s First Responders Act,”which would update the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits(PSOB) disability determinations and the definitions making itmore consistent with existing Federal law and greatly improvethe ability of our injured and disabled officers to have theirclaims processed more fairly and more quickly as well asproviding for an extension of the COVID-19 presumption forthe PSOB program.Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson had a conferencecall with senior members of the majority staff on the HouseCommittee on the Judiciary to discuss moving three bills onthe House floor under a suspension of the rules:
S. 312, the “COVID-19 Safer Detention Act”;S. 601, the “Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted ConductAct”; andS. 1014, the “First Step Implementation Act.”Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff inthe office of Senator Charles E. Grassley (R-IA), RankingMember on the Committee on the Judiciary, about three billsrecently reported by the Committee and are pending on thefloor:LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYSenior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardsonspoke with staff in the office ofRepresentative Kevin O. McCarthy (R-CA),House Minority Leader, in regard to the samethree bills (S. 921, S. 1502 and S. 1511)being placed on the suspension calendar.Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff inthe office of Representative Charles J. Crist, Jr. (D-FL) aboutH.R. 2971, the “Foreign National Firearms Background CheckEnhancement Act,” and H.R. 3079, the “Protect and Serve Act.”
LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYSenior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff inthe office of Representative Abigail A. Spanberger (D-VA)about drafting and introducing legislation to repeal the directpayment requirement in the Healthcare Enhancement for LocalPublic Safety (HELPS) Retirees Act and increase the pretaxbenefit in that Act from $3,000 to $6,000.Legislative Liaisons Matt Brown and David Taboh had aconference call with staff in the office of Senator ChristopherS. Murphy (D-CT) to discuss FOP priorities.Legislative Liaisons Matt Brown and David Taboh had aconference call with staff in the office of Representative AnnaG. Eshoo (D-CA) to discuss FOP priorities.
THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTONThe House was in a Pro Forma session this week.The House Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommitteeon Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery held ahearing entitled: "20 Years After 9/11: Examining EmergencyCommunications."The House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a hearingentitled: "Assessing the Election ‘Audit’ in Arizona and Threatsto American Democracy."The House Select Committee on the January 6th Attack on theUnited States Capitol issued additional subpoenas fordeposition testimony and records to individuals tied to theevents and rallies leading up to the violent events that unfoldedon 6 January.
The Senate amended and passed S. 1301 on a 50-48 vote,which would increase the U.S. Department of Treasury'sstatutory borrowing cap by $480 billion, giving Congress untilearly December to address the debt ceiling. The legislation wastransmitted to the House for further action.THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTONThe Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, andTransportation's Subcommittee on Consumer Protection,Product Safety, and Data Security held a hearing entitled:"Protecting Kids Online: Testimony from a FacebookWhistleblower."By KEVIN FREKING, ALAN FRAM and ALEXANDRA JAFFE October 8, 2021The Senate dodged a U.S. debt disasterThursday night, voting to extend thegovernment’s borrowing authority intoDecember and temporarily avert anunprecedented federal default thatexperts warned would devastate theeconomy and harm millions ofAmericans.
FOP NEWSROOMWhen the coronavirus vaccines were first rolledout, the national Fraternal Order of Police wentto the federal government, pleading for lawenforcement officers to have... READ MOREAs coronavirus cases mount and vaccinemandates spread, holdouts plague policeand fire departments [Washington Post]The National Fraternal Order of Police invitesyou to join us for the 40th Annual NationalPeace Officers’ Memorial Service at 12pm EDTon October 16. It is our honor to host officersfrom across the country and the... WATCHJoin Us for the 40th Annual PeaceOfficers' Memorial ServiceCOVID-19 is killing more law enforcementofficers than any other threat they face in theline of duty... WATCHCOVID is leading cause of police officerdeaths [CBS News]The Fraternal Order of Police is a proud partnerof National Faith & Blue Weekend 2021, themost collaborative police-community outreachproject ever... WATCHNational Faith & Blue Weekend 2021
The National Fraternal Order of Police reportsthat as of midnight on 30 September, therehave been 241 officers shot so far in 2021, 44of whom were killed by gunfire... READ MOREICYMI: FOP Monthly Update: OfficersShot and KilledFOP NEWSROOMOn September 30, Secretary of HomelandSecurity Alejandro N. Mayorkas announced newGuidelines for the Enforcement of CivilImmigration Law to better focus theDepartment’s resources on the... READ MORESecretary Mayorkas Announces NewImmigration Enforcement PrioritiesThe COPS Office 2022 Community Policing inAction Photo Contest will be open forsubmissions soon! Law enforcement agencieswill be invited to submit one... READ MORECOPS Office Announces the Opening ofthe 2022 “Community Policing in Action”Photo ContestNational President Patrick Yoes sent a letter toRepresentative Guest in support of H.R. 3248the “American Body-worn... READ MOREH.R. 3248 the “American Body-wornCamera Act”
SOCIAL SECURITYFight for Fairness! TellCongress to pass the "SocialSecurity Fairness Act."TAKE ACTIONFEDERAL OFFICERSTell Congress to support H.R.962, the "Law EnforcementOfficers' Equity Act."TAKE ACTIONLEOSA REFORMTell Congress to support the"LEOSA Reform Act."TAKE ACTIONPROTECT & SERVETell Congress to support thepolice and pass the "Protectand Serve Act."TAKE ACTIONQUALIFIED IMMUNITYTell Congress to OPPOSE theelimination of the establisheddoctrine on qualified immunity.TAKE ACTIONFOP ACTION CENTERCOLLECTIVE BARGAININGTell Congress to SUPPORTcollective bargaining rights forpublic safety employees.TAKE ACTION
Been Exposed?Are You Sick?READ MOREREAD MOREVIEW A STATE-BY-STATE BREAKDOWNThe National FOP provided memberswith information, released by the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention,regarding the safety of receiving aCOVID-19 vaccine while pregnant. COVID-19 Information for Law EnforcementProtecting Public Safety and HealthFRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICEOCTOBER 4:W W W . F O P C O V I D 1 9 . O R GThe National FOP provided memberswith an updated policy statementregarding the implementation of vaccinerequirements and mandates by Federal,State, and local governments.OCTOBER 8:COVID-19 ACTIVITYREAD MORE READ MORE
FOP-TV PROGRAM GUIDEGrassroots Public Relations & Media Talk"Keeping Resilience Front & Center"Community and Media Relations Tool KitCRI TAC PartnershipFOP Nationwide HealthcareCollective Bargaining & ArbitrationCivilian OversightQualified ImmunityTune in every week for a new episode of FOP-TV where National FraternalOrder of Police leaders discuss new and relevant topics that are impactingour profession and important to leading our organization through theseturbulent times.WATCH PREVIOUS EPISODESFOP ON DEMAND
The Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC)provides no cost, customized technical assistance solutions designed tomeet the unique needs of state, local, tribal, & campus law enforcementagencies throughout the U.S.The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) provides innovative leadership tofederal, state, local, and tribal justice systems, by disseminating state-of-theart knowledge and practices across America, and providing grants for theimplementation of these crime fighting strategies. The COPS Office awards grants to hire community policing professionals,develop and test innovative policing strategies, and provide training andtechnical assistance to community members, local government leaders, andall levels of law enforcement.VISIT WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATIONVISIT WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATIONVISIT WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The Fraternal Order of Police is committed to improving theworking conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety ofthose we serve through education, legislation, information,community involvement, and employee representation. Our challenge to you is to have each and every FOP member inyour department, lodge, and State commit $5.00 a month to theNFOP PAC. Please contact the National Legislative Office to learnabout the various ways you can contribute to the NFOP PAC.The NFOP PAC is the power behindour organization's punch on CapitolHill, representing its members inthe most effective way possible. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEECAN YOU CHIP IN $5?DONATEClick Here