LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYNational President Patrick Yoes, National TreasurerJames Smallwood, and National Trustees ChairmanRob Pride traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to attend theUtah State Fraternal Order of Police's ConferenceNational President Patrick Yoes gave numerous media interviews inregard to law enforcement line-of-duty deaths, the crime wave manycities across America are experiencing as well as the COVID-19pandemic.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Chiraag Bains, DeputyAssistant to the President for Criminal Justice Policy, regardingcriminal justice reform.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with U.S. Homeland SecuritySecretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas regarding border issues as well asdomestic terrorism. Secretary Mayorkas issued a National TerrorismAdvisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightenedthreat environment across the United States. READ THE NTAS BULLETIN
Executive Director Jim Pasco gave numerous media interviews inregard to criminal justice reform, the nationwide increase in violentcrime, and the issue of rogue prosecutors across the country failingto prosecute violent crimes.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with U.S. Associate AttorneyGeneral Vanita Gupta regarding criminal justice reform as well asissues pertaining to officers' due process rights.LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYExecutive Director Jim Pasco also gave numerous media interviewspertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccinations and theimpacts on public safety. The National FOP believes in the sciencebehind the COVID-19 vaccines and that vaccinations work to preventpeople from becoming infected by or transmitting COVID-19.However, the National FOP continues to believe that whether or not toaccept the vaccine is a personal decision.
LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYSenior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative LiaisonMatt Brown spoke with staff from the office of Representative DavidP. Joyce (R-OH) regarding H.R. 4565, the “Protecting FirstResponders from Secondary Exposure Act.”Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative LiaisonMatt Brown spoke with staff from the office of Senator T. JohnathanOssoff (D-GA) regarding S. 774, the “Protect and Serve Act,” as wellas S. 2928, the “Election Worker and Polling Place Protection Act.”Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative LiaisonMatt Brown spoke with staff from the offices of Senator T.Johnathan Ossoff (D-GA) and Representative Karen R. Bass (D-CA)regarding draft legislation on best practices for notifying families ofcustodial deaths.Legislative Liaison Matt Brown participated in a monthly call withother criminal justice stakeholders.
The House considered and passed H.R. 3684, the "Investing in a NewVision for the Environment and Surface Transportation (INVEST) inAmerica Act," on a 228-205 vote. The legislation, which passed theSenate in August, will now be transmitted to the President, who isexpected to sign it into law this upcoming Monday. This infrastructurepackage would address provisions related to Federal-aid for highway,transit, highway safety, motor carriers, research, hazardous materials,and rail programs.The legislation would reauthorize surface transportation and waterprograms for five years, adding $550 billion in new spending. It also includes $110 billion for roads, bridges and major projects; $39billion for transit and $66 billion for rail; $65 billion for broadband;$65 billion for the electric grid; $55 billion to upgrade waterinfrastructure and $25 billion for airports. THIS WEEK IN WASHINGTONThe Senate was in a pro forma session this week.
TOP LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESCOSPONSORS57235178The “Law Enforcement Officers’ Equity Act" would expand the definition of "lawenforcement officer" for salary and retirement benefits to include all Federal lawenforcement officers.The “Social Security Fairness Act” would repeal both the "Windfall EliminationProvision" and the "Government Pension Offset" in current Social Security law.The “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act” would recognize the right oflaw enforcement and other public safety officers to bargain collectively with theiremployers.COSPONSORS92819COSPONSORS110COSPONSORS217756COSPONSORS43632+ 3 NEW+ 2 NEW+ 1 NEW+ 1 NEW
LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESThe "LEOSA Reform Act" would amend the Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act(LEOSA), which exempts qualified active and retired law enforcement officers fromlocal and State prohibitions on the carriage of concealed firearms, to ensure thatthese officers are able to carry in the same venues as civilian concealed carrypermit holders in areas like schools and national parks, as well as use publictransportation and extends the exemption to magazine capacity and would allowactive and retired law enforcement officers to access services at U.S. post offices,Social Security Administration offices or Veterans Affairs facilities.COSPONSORS220COSPONSORS51521The "Protect and Serve Act" would make it a Federal crime to target a lawenforcement officer with an assault that results in seriously bodily harm or death.COSPONSORS23230COSPONSORS43485MORE RESOURCES ON OUR LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESFULL LIST OF LEGISLATION SUPPORTED BY THE FOP
FOP NEWSROOMNational President Patrick Yoes sent seperateletter to Representatives Schrader, Ruiz andGallego, asking them to support H.R. 3079, the“Protect and Serve Act"... READ MOREH.R. 3079, the “Protect and Serve Act”Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N.Mayorkas issued a National Terrorism AdvisorySystem (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the currentheightened threat environment across theUnited States... READ MOREDHS Issues National Terrorism AdvisorySystem (NTAS) BulletinThe National FOP reports that as of midnighton October 31, there have been 281 officersshot in the line of duty so far this year, 52 ofwhom were killed by gunfire. There have been86 ambush-style attacks on law enforcementofficers this year... READ MOREICYMI: Officers Shot and KilledThe Civilian Office of Police Accountability(COPA) recommended a three-day suspensionfor Officer Ella French in a newly releasedreport about a 2019 botched... READ MOREChicago's police oversight agencyrecommends slain Officer Ella French besuspended for Anjanette Young raid [Fox 32]
FOP NEWSROOMThree adults and four juveniles from CedarRapids, Iowa, were arrested on charges rangingfrom battery to interfering with police afterauthorities say a Jefferson... READ MORE3 adults and 4 teens from Iowa arrestedafter JPSO deputy injured in SUV rooftopscuffle [New Orleans Advocate]Kenosha police released a statement Thursdayafternoon, vowing to "ensure the safety" of thecommunity as Kyle Rittenhouse's murder trialnears an end... READ MOREKenosha Police Vow to ‘Ensure Safety' asRittenhouse Verdict Nears [NBC 5]NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal has contributed toa $30,000 reward to find the suspect whofatally shot a police officer last week inGeorgia... READ MOREShaquille O'Neal contributes to $30,000reward to find suspect who killed Georgiapolice officer [CBS News]The head of Black Lives Matter of Greater NewYork met with Eric Adams, the city’s mayor-elect, to discuss policing and warned that therewill be "bloodshed" if the city... READ MORENew York BLM leader warns Eric Adamsof 'bloodshed,' 'riots' if city brings backtougher policing [Fox News]
ICYMI: FOP UPDATE ON OFFICERS SHOTVIEW THE MONTHLY OFFICERS SHOT & KILLED UPDATEThe National Fraternal Order of Police reports that as of midnight onOctober 31, there have been 281 officers shot in the line of duty so farthis year, 52 of whom were killed by gunfire. There have been 86ambush-style attacks on law enforcement officers this year (+139%from 2020 YTD), which have resulted in 109 officers shot, 26 of whomwere killed. The number of ambush-style attacks listed does notaccount for the ambush-style attacks that resulted in no officers shot.
SOCIAL SECURITYThis is About Fairness! UrgeCongress to Pass the "SocialSecurity Fairness Act."TAKE ACTIONFEDERAL OFFICERSSupport Our Federal Officers byPassing the "Law EnforcementOfficers' Equity Act."TAKE ACTIONLEOSA REFORMSupport Active and Retired LawEnforcement Officers by Passingthe "LEOSA Reform Act."TAKE ACTIONPROTECT AND SERVEUrge Congress to Protect OurPolice Officers and Pass the"Protect and Serve Act."TAKE ACTIONVACCINE MANDATESWe Must Keep Our COVID-19Heroes Employed! TellCongress to Pass S. 3079! TAKE ACTIONFOP ACTION CENTERCOLLECTIVE BARGAININGWe Must Fight for the Right toBargain Collectively! UrgeCongress to Pass H.R. 3225.TAKE ACTION
Been Exposed?Are You Sick?READ MOREREAD MOREVIEW A STATE-BY-STATE BREAKDOWNThe National FOP provided memberswith information, released by the Foodand Drug Administration, regarding anupdate to the various actions the FDAhas taken to combat COVID-19. COVID-19 Information for Law EnforcementProtecting Public Safety and HealthFRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICENOVEMBER 9:W W W . F O P C O V I D 1 9 . O R GThe National FOP provided memberswith information that was shared duringa White House COVID-19 ResponseTeam press briefing, where public healthofficials gave a general update on theCOVID-19 pandemic.NOVEMBER 12:COVID-19 ACTIVITYREAD MORE READ MORE
FOP-TV PROGRAM GUIDEGrassroots Public Relations & Media Talk"Keeping Resilience Front & Center"Community and Media Relations Tool KitCRI TAC PartnershipFOP Nationwide HealthcareCollective Bargaining & ArbitrationCivilian OversightQualified ImmunityTune in every week for a new episode of FOP-TV where National FraternalOrder of Police leaders discuss new and relevant topics that are impactingour profession and important to leading our organization through theseturbulent times.WATCH PREVIOUS EPISODESFOP ON DEMAND
The Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC)provides no cost, customized technical assistance solutions designed tomeet the unique needs of state, local, tribal, & campus law enforcementagencies throughout the U.S.The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) provides innovative leadership tofederal, state, local, and tribal justice systems, by disseminating state-of-theart knowledge and practices across America, and providing grants for theimplementation of these crime fighting strategies. The COPS Office awards grants to hire community policing professionals,develop and test innovative policing strategies, and provide training andtechnical assistance to community members, local government leaders, andall levels of law enforcement.VISIT WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATIONVISIT WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATIONVISIT WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION
The Fraternal Order of Police is committed to improving theworking conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety ofthose we serve through education, legislation, information,community involvement, and employee representation. Our challenge to you is to have each and every FOP member inyour department, lodge, and State commit $5.00 a month to theNFOP PAC. Please contact the National Legislative Office to learnabout the various ways you can contribute to the NFOP PAC.The NFOP PAC is the power behindour organization's punch on CapitolHill, representing its members inthe most effective way possible. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEECAN YOU CHIP IN $5?DONATEClick Here