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FOP Update - January 21, 2022

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LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYNational President Patrick Yoes had numerous in-person meetings withcorporate vendors to discuss long-term financial sponsorship of the NationalFOP's Disaster Area Response Team (DART).National President Patrick Yoes attended the swearing-in of Jacksonville FOPLodge 30's board. National President Patrick Yoes attended the Oklahoma State FOP Lodge'swinter board meeting.National President Patrick Yoes also worked out of the Government andMedia Affairs Center in Washington, D.C. this week.National Vice President Joe Gamaldi gave numerous interviews on theskyrocketing violent crime rate across the country. During an interview withFox News’ Harris Faulkner, he discussed the tragic murder of UCLA gradstudent Brianna Kupfer while she was working at a luxury furniture store.National Vice President Gamaldihighlighted how rogue prosecutorsare letting violent criminals out ofjail, just like Brianna’s alleged killer,who was a career criminal withdozens of arrests and was out on a$50,000 bond in Charleston, SouthCarolina on a shooting charge.

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LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYExecutive Director Jim Pasco also gave numerous media interviewspertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinations, and their impact on publicsafety. The National FOP believes in the science behind the COVID-19vaccines and that vaccinations work to prevent people from becominginfected by or transmitting COVID-19. However, the National FOP continues tobelieve that whether or not to accept the vaccine is a personal decision. Executive Director Jim Pasco gave numerous media interviews in regard tocriminal justice reform, the nationwide increase in violent crime, and the issueof rogue prosecutors failing to prosecute violent offenders. Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the office ofRepresentative Hakeem S. Jeffries (D-NY) regarding police recruitment andretention issues, H.R. 6375, the “COPS on the Beat Grant ProgramReauthorization and Parity Act,” and the new language drafted to amend H.R.3071, the “Public Safety Officer Support Act.”Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson had numerous conversations withmultiple staff members in the offices of Senators L. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL),John Cornyn III (R-TX), Thomas R. Tillis (R-NC), and Charles E. Grassley (R-IA).Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison DavidTaboh spoke with staff in the office of Senator Thomas J. Ossoff (D-GA)about the FOP’s likely opposition to a bill they intend to introduce entitled the“Community First Pretrial Reform and Jail Decarceration Act.”

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LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYSenior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the office ofRepresentative Guy L. Reschenthaler (R-PA) about the new language draftedto amend H.R. 3071, the “Public Safety Officer Support Act.”Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson represented the FOP on astakeholders conference call regarding the Continued Presence program, avictim-centered approach to investigate and prosecute human traffickingcases. Heather Fong, the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department ofHomeland Security (DHS) with the Office of State and Local LawEnforcement, Steve K. Francis, Acting Executive Associate Director ofHomeland Security Investigations, and Cardell T. Mondant, Director of theCenter for Countering Human Trafficking attended as well.Legislative Liaison Mark McDonald spoke with staff in the office ofRepresentative Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) regarding draft legislationpertaining to Federal grant programs for State and local law enforcement. Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison Matt Brownspoke with staff in the office of Representative Elizabeth A. Van Duyne (R-TX) about police recruitment and retention issues.Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison Matt Brownattended a conference call with staff from the House Committee on FinancialServices to discuss anti-money laundering legislation, the upcoming hearingon the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN), and other relatedissues.

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THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESTHIS WEEK IN WASHINGTONThe House Committee on Judiciary's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism,and Homeland Security held a hearing entitled “The First Step Act, ThePandemic, and Compassionate Release: What Are the Next Steps for theFederal Bureau of Prisons?"The House Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on EmergencyPreparedness, Response, and Recovery held a hearing entitled “FEMA:Building a Workforce Prepared and Ready to Respond.”THE UNITED STATES SENATEThe Senate failed to advance through cloture H.R. 5746, the “Freedom toVote: John R. Lewis Act” on a 49–51 vote. This legislation would haveaddressed voter registration, voting access, election security, redistricting,and campaign finance laws. This bill was unable to clear the 60-votethreshold required to end a filibuster in the Senate. After, the Senate thenvoted on a proposed rule change that would have allowed this bill to passwith a simple majority of 51 votes. This maneuver ultimately failed by a 48–52 vote. It is unclear, at this point, what the next steps for this legislation willbe in the coming weeks. The attempt to change the filibuster rule in theSenate is the third time in recent history that such an option has beenattempted.

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TOP LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESCOSPONSORS60246186H.R. 82The “Law Enforcement Officers’ Equity Act" would expand the definition of "lawenforcement officer" for salary and retirement benefits to include all Federal lawenforcement officers.The “Social Security Fairness Act” would repeal both the "Windfall EliminationProvision" and the "Government Pension Offset" in current Social Security law.The “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act” would recognize the right oflaw enforcement and other public safety officers to bargain collectively with theiremployers.COSPONSORS92920H.R. 3225COSPONSORS121S. 1888NOT YET INTRODUCED IN THE SENATECOSPONSORS228664H.R. 962COSPONSORS43733S. 1302+1 NEW+1 NEW+2 NEW

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LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESThe "LEOSA Reform Act" would amend the Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act(LEOSA), which exempts qualified active and retired law enforcement officers fromlocal and State prohibitions on the carriage of concealed firearms, to ensure thatthese officers are able to carry in the same venues as civilian concealed carrypermit holders in areas like schools and national parks, as well as use publictransportation and extends the exemption to magazine capacity and would allowactive and retired law enforcement officers to access services at U.S. post offices,Social Security Administration offices or Veterans Affairs facilities.COSPONSORS220S. 1610COSPONSORS53541H.R. 1210The "Protect and Serve Act" would make it a Federal crime to target a lawenforcement officer with an assault that results in seriously bodily harm or death.COSPONSORS23230S. 774COSPONSORS45505H.R. 3079MORE RESOURCES ON OUR LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESFULL LIST OF LEGISLATION SUPPORTED BY THE FOP+1 NEW

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FOP NEWSROOMOnce again, the public health situation inWashington, D.C. has resulted in our decisionto pivot to a virtual Day on the Hill... MOREUPDATE: National FOP's 2022 Day on theHill Goes VirtualFraternal Order of Police National VP JoeGamaldi tore into left-wing prosecutors likeGeorge Gascon Wednesday on "The FaulknerFocus." Gamaldi reacted to the LAPD... MOREFraternal Order of Police VP rips far-leftprosecutors: 'History will judge them fortheir cowardice' [Fox News]One of the most puzzling conundrums about“progressive” prosecutors — who favor de-prosecution and de-carceration — is toascertain their motivations... MORECracking the case of the ‘woke’ prosecutor[New York Post]The former New York Police Departmentcaptain now running the city, who won the jobon a law-and-order message, acknowledgedthat many New Yorkers do not feel... MOREMayor Eric Adams acknowledges NewYorkers don't feel safe in the subways[CNN]

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REGISTER FOR THE EVENT2022 VIRTUAL DAY ON THE HILLOnce again, the public health situation in Washington, D.C. has resulted inour decision to pivot to a virtual Day on the Hill. We have concluded it is veryunlikely to have a successful in-person event and, for these reasons, we willhost our 2022 Day on the Hill virtually, just as we did last year. Our event will begin on Monday, 7 February, with an online briefing on ourlegislative agenda hosted by staff in the National FOP’s Government andMedia Affairs Center (GMAC) and members of the National LegislativeCommittee. We encourage all of our members and Day on the Hill participants to set upvirtual meetings with your Members and their staff from your home Statesand districts—conference calls, Zoom calls or other virtual interactions for therest of that week, with a focus on Tuesday and Wednesday, 8-9 February. Even though these meetings will be virtual, it is important to make theseappointments in advance! Every effort should be made to have yourRepresentative or Senators participate in the meeting—making theseconnections is important, especially in an election year.

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SOCIAL SECURITYThis is About Fairness! UrgeCongress to Pass the "SocialSecurity Fairness Act."TAKE ACTIONFEDERAL OFFICERSSupport Our Federal Officers byPassing the "Law EnforcementOfficers' Equity Act."TAKE ACTIONLEOSA REFORMSupport Active and Retired LawEnforcement Officers by Passingthe "LEOSA Reform Act."TAKE ACTIONPROTECT AND SERVEUrge Congress to Protect OurPolice Officers and Pass the"Protect and Serve Act."TAKE ACTIONVACCINE MANDATESWe Must Keep Our COVID-19Heroes Employed! TellCongress to Pass S. 3079! TAKE ACTIONFOP ACTION CENTERCOLLECTIVE BARGAININGWe Must Fight for the Right toBargain Collectively! UrgeCongress to Pass H.R. 3225.TAKE ACTION

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Been Exposed?Are You Sick?READ MOREREAD MOREVIEW A STATE-BY-STATE BREAKDOWNThe National FOP provided memberswith information, released by the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention,regarding the types of masks that canprovide protection from COVID-19 . COVID-19 Information for Law EnforcementProtecting Public Safety and HealthFRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICEJANUARY 18W W W . F O P C O V I D 1 9 . O R GThe National FOP provided memberswith information, released by the FederalEmergency Management Agency,regarding the agency’s funding for thesafe opening and operating of schools.JANUARY 20:COVID-19 ACTIVITYREAD MORE READ MORE

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LEARN MORE LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREWatch the latest FOP-TV episodesand hear from National FraternalOrder of Police leaders from acrossthe country as they discuss new andrelevant topics that are impactingour profession and important toleading our organization throughthese turbulent times.The Collaborative Reform InitiativeTechnical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) provides no cost, customizedtechnical assistance solutionsdesigned to meet the unique needsof state, local, tribal, & campus lawenforcement agencies throughoutthe United States.The COPS Office awards grants tohire community policingprofessionals, develop and testinnovative policing strategies, andprovide training and technicalassistance to community members,local government leaders, and alllevels of law enforcement. The Office of Justice Programs (OJP)provides innovative leadership toFederal, state, local, and tribal justicesystems, by disseminating state-of-theart knowledge and practices, andproviding grants for theimplementation of these crimefighting strategies. MORE RESOURCES

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P CThe Fraternal Order of Police is committed to improving theworking conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety ofthose we serve through education, legislation, information,community involvement, and employee representation. Our challenge to you is to have each and every FOP member inyour department, lodge, and State commit $5.00 a month to theNFOP PAC. Please contact the National Legislative Office to learnabout the various ways you can contribute to the NFOP PAC.The NFOP PAC is the power behindour organization's punch on CapitolHill, representing its members inthe most effective way possible. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEECAN YOU CHIP IN $5?DONATEClick Here

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328 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NE, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20002 PHONE: 202-547-8189 FAX: 202-547-8190TI M R IC HA RD SO NSenior Legislative Liaison JI M P AS COExecutive DirectorDA VI D TA BO HLegislative Liaison MA RK M CD ON AL DLegislative Liaison JE SS IC A CA HI LLPress Liaison MA TT B RO WNLegislative Liaison