L I S T E N T O E P I S O D ECLICK TO SUBSCRIBEOn this week's episode of the Blue View, National President Patrick Yoes satdown with Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) to discuss her tirelesswork on Capitol Hill to ensure that law enforcement officers and their familiesreceive what they have rightfully earned and deserve.National President Patrick Yoes worked out of the National Headquarters inNashville, Tennessee, as well as the Government and MediaAffairs Center in Washington, D.C. this week.National President Patrick Yoes and Executive Director Jim Pasco attended aSaint Patrick's day reception held at the White House hosted by PresidentJoseph R. Biden Jr.National President Patrick Yoes attended the Kentucky State FOP Lodgespring board meeting in Owensboro, Kentucky.
Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with U.S. Associate Attorney GeneralVanita Gupta regarding leadership vacancies at the U.S. Department ofJustice (DOJ) and the impact it is having on vital programs. National President Patrick Yoes gave numerous media interviews regardinglaw enforcement line-of-duty deaths, and the increase of violence towards lawenforcement officers across the country. Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Marvin Richardson, Acting Directorof the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), regardinginvestigative technologies employed by the ATF in response to the violentcrime surge.National President Patrick Yoes joined a conference call with InternationalCouncil of Police Representative Associations (ICPRA) President TomStamatakis regarding calls for law enforcement to assist in the documentingof evidence to assist with the prosecution of war crimes being committed inUkraine.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Heather Fong, Counselor to theSecretary of Homeland Security, regarding current vacancies in lawenforcement liaison positions.Executive Director Jim Pasco gave numerous media interviews regardingcriminal justice reform, the nationwide increase in violent crime, the need forfurther police funding, and staffing issues at the State and local level.
Executive Director Jim Pasco also gave numerous media interviewspertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinations, and their impact on publicsafety. The National FOP believes in the science behind the COVID-19vaccines and that vaccinations work to prevent people from becominginfected by or transmitting COVID-19. However, the National FOP continues tobelieve that whether or not to accept the vaccine is a personal decision. Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the office ofSenator John Cornyn III (R-TX) regarding draft language for a “de-escalation”bill.Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the offices ofRepresentatives Steve J. Chabot (R-OH) and Abigail A. Spanberger (D-VA)regarding draft language to amend the Healthcare Enhancement for LocalPublic Safety (HELPS) Retirees Act. Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the office ofRepresentative Brenda D. Lawrence (D-MI) regarding the drafting of a bill tocreate a pilot program for "continuous training" on the use of body-worncameras.Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson engaged with numerous Houseand Senate offices seeking support for H.R. 6943/S. 3635, the “Public SafetyOfficer Support Act.”
Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison Matt Brownspoke with staff from the office of Senator Charles E. Grassley (R-IA)regarding the issue of permanent scheduling for fentanyl analogues. Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison Matt Brownspoke with staff in the office of Senator Kyrsten L. Sinema (D-AZ) regardingS. 774, the "Protect and Serve Act."Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the office ofSenator Raphael G. Warnock (D-GA) on the Senate companion bill to H.R.6448, the “Invest to Protect Act.”Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison DavidTaboh engaged with numerous offices seeking support for H.R. 82, the“Social Security Fairness Act.”Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison Matt Brownattended a conference call with staff from the office of Senator Tammy S.G.Baldwin (D-WI) regarding potential introduction of the Senate version of H.R.3225, the “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act.”Legislative Liaisons Matt Brown and David Taboh participated in a monthlycall with other criminal justice stakeholders.
THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESMembers of the House and the Senate received a virtual joint address fromUkrainian President Volodymyr O. Zelenskyy via Zoom. In his address, theUkrainian President appealed to Congress and urged lawmakers to providesupport as the country fights back against the Russian invasion. PresidentZelenskyy thanked the United States and expressed gratitude to PresidentJoseph R. Biden Jr., but reiterated the need for a United States enforced no-fly zone over Ukraine, and for the United States to provide fighter aircraftsand other materials so the Ukrainians can defend themselves. PresidentZelenskyy also invoked memories of the Pearl Harbor bombing and the tragicSeptember 11th terrorist attack.President Zelenskyy ended his remarks by stating to President Biden, "Youare the leader of your grand nation. I wish you to be the leader of the world.Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace."
THE UNITED STATES SENATEThe Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs helda hearing entitled "Violent Extremism and Terrorism: Examining the Threat toHouses of Worship and Public Spaces." This hearing examined the challengesfacing law enforcement regarding the increase in domestic threats. Providingtestimony at the hearing were numerous officials from the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI), and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).The Senate Committee on Judiciary held a hearing entitled "RemovingBarriers to Legal Migration to Strengthen our Communities and Economy."This hearing touched on the issues that illegal immigration causes and thechallenges at our southern border.The Senate Committee on Armed Services and the Senate Select Committeeon Intelligence received closed door briefings on the current landscape of theRussian invasion of Ukraine. Other relevant information from recentintelligence reports was discussed as well. The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs held ahearing entitled “Understanding the Role of Digital Assets in Illicit Finance.”This hearing examined the role of digital currency in activities such ascriminal trafficking and the smuggling of people, firearms, and drugs.Providing testimony at the hearing was Michael Mosier, the former ActingDirector of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
COSPONSORS71267196H.R. 82The “Law Enforcement Officers’ Equity Act" would expand the definition of "lawenforcement officer" for salary and retirement benefits to include all Federal lawenforcement officers.The “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act” would recognize theright of law enforcement and other public safety officers to bargain collectivelywith their employers.COSPONSORS103121H.R. 3225COSPONSORS121S. 1888NOT YET INTRODUCED IN THE SENATECOSPONSORS228664H.R. 962COSPONSORS43834S. 1302+5 NEWThe “Social Security Fairness Act” would repeal both the "Windfall EliminationProvision" and the "Government Pension Offset" in current Social Security law.
The "LEOSA Reform Act" would amend the Law Enforcement Officers' Safety Act(LEOSA), exempts qualified active and retired law enforcement officers fromlocal and State prohibitions on the carriage of concealed firearms, to ensure thatthese officers are able to carry in the same venues as civilian concealed carrypermit holders in areas like schools and national parks, as well as use publictransportation and extends the exemption to magazine capacity and would allowactive and retired law enforcement officers to access services at U.S. postoffices, Social Security Administration offices or Veterans Affairs facilities.COSPONSORS220S. 1610COSPONSORS57581H.R. 1210The "Protect and Serve Act" would make it a Federal crime to target a lawenforcement officer with an assault that results in seriously bodily harm or death.COSPONSORS23230S. 774COSPONSORS66726H.R. 3079MORE RESOURCES ON OUR LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESFULL LIST OF LEGISLATION SUPPORTED BY THE FOP+1 NEW+1 NEW
SUBSCRIBETHE BLUE VIEWby the National Fraternal Order of PoliceEach week, National President Patrick Yoes sits downwith a guest discuss the issues and current eventssurrounding the law enforcement community.Make sure to tune in, as you'll hear law enforcementexperts, elected officials, and other notable leaders!THIS IS ABOUT FAIRNESSFeaturing Representative Rodney DavisNational President Patrick Yoes sat down withRepresentative Rodney L. Davis (R-IL), one of theleading sponsors for H.R. 82, the "Social SecurityFairness Act," to discuss the importance of this bill andother issues facing the men and women of lawenforcement.EPISODE #004TUESDAY, 8 MARCHPUBLIC SERVANTSFeaturing Representative Abigail SpanbergerNational President Patrick Yoes sat down withRepresentative Abigail A. Spanberger (D-VA) to discussher tireless work on Capitol Hill to ensure that lawenforcement officers and their families receive whatthey have rightfully earned and deserve.EPISODE #005TUESDAY, 15 MARCH
The Local Law Enforcement Crime GunIntelligence Center Integration Initiative,administered by the Bureau of JusticeAssistance in partnership with the Bureau ofAlcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and... MOREFunding for Local Law Enforcement GunCrime Intelligence Center Initiative [OJP]I am writing on behalf of the members of theFraternal Order of Police to ask that you voteagainst the nomination of Gigi B. Sohn to serveas a Commissioner on the Federal... MOREVote Against the Nomination of Gigi B.SohnThe Collaborative Reform Initiative (CRI)encompasses three programs offering expertservices to state, local, territorial, and tribal lawenforcement agencies, ranging in scope andcomplexity at the voluntary request... MORECollaborative Reform Initiative Program[COPS]The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and theInternational Council of Police RepresentativeAssociations (ICPRA) have issued a rallying callfor every police force in the world... MOREFOP & ICPRA Call for Global Effort toDocument War Crimes Currently BeingCommitted in Ukraine
The 2022 Law Enforcement Mental Health andWellness Act program is a competitive grantprogram that provides funding to improve thedelivery of and access to mental health andwellness services... MORELaw Enforcement Mental Health andWellness Act (LEMHWA) Program [COPS]Two Phoenix police officers were injured in anambush shooting after a traffic stop earlySunday and the suspect remains at large,police said... MOREArizona police officers injured in ‘barrageof bullets’ during ambush shooting,suspect at large, police say [Fox News]A man facing a murder charge and accused ofmultiple shootings, including the road rageshooting of a 3-year-old girl and firing at Dallaspolice officers, was expected to be... MOREDallas repeat offender, murder suspectnot yet released from jail after postingbond [WFAA 8 ABC]Jalil Muntaqim, who spent nearly 50 yearsbehind bars for killing two New York City policeofficers in May of 1971, has been chosen togive a talk at SUNY Brockport... MORESUNY Brockport facing intenseopposition over choice of speaker[Rochester Democrat and Chronicle]
SOCIAL SECURITYThis is About Fairness! UrgeCongress to Pass the "SocialSecurity Fairness Act."TAKE ACTIONFEDERAL OFFICERSSupport Our Federal Officers byPassing the "Law EnforcementOfficers' Equity Act."TAKE ACTIONLEOSA REFORMSupport Active and Retired LawEnforcement Officers by Passingthe "LEOSA Reform Act."TAKE ACTIONPROTECT AND SERVEUrge Congress to Protect OurPolice Officers and Pass the"Protect and Serve Act."TAKE ACTIONVACCINE MANDATESWe Must Keep Our COVID-19Heroes Employed! TellCongress to Pass S. 3079! TAKE ACTIONCOLLECTIVE BARGAININGWe Must Fight for the Right toBargain Collectively! UrgeCongress to Pass H.R. 3225.TAKE ACTION
Been Exposed?Are You Sick?READ MOREREAD MOREVIEW A STATE-BY-STATE BREAKDOWNThe National FOP provided memberswith information, released by theTransportation Security Administration,regarding the mask mandate on publictransportation and in transportationhubs.COVID-19 Information for Law EnforcementProtecting Public Safety and HealthFRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICEMARCH 14WWW.FOPCOVID19.ORGThe National FOP provided memberswith information, released by the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention,regarding ways to get free N95 respiratormasks.MARCH 17READ MORE READ MORE
LEARN MORE LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREOn the Blue View, a weekly podcastpresented by the National FraternalOrder of Police, you'll hear from lawenforcement experts, electedofficials, and other notable leadersto gain insight into the issues andcurrent events surrounding the lawenforcement community. The Collaborative Reform InitiativeTechnical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) provides no cost, customizedtechnical assistance solutionsdesigned to meet the uniqueneeds of state, local, tribal, &campus law enforcement agenciesthroughout the United States.The COPS Office awards grants tohire community policingprofessionals, develop and testinnovative policing strategies, andprovide training and technicalassistance to community members,local government leaders, and alllevels of law enforcement. The Office of Justice Programs (OJP)provides innovative leadership toFederal, state, local, and tribal justicesystems, by disseminating state-of-theart knowledge and practices, andproviding grants for theimplementation of these crimefighting strategies.
DONATEClick HereDONATEClick HereCAN YOU CHIP IN $5?The Fraternal Order of Police is committed to improving the workingconditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we servethrough education, legislation, information, community involvement, andemployee representation. The National FOP PAC is the power behind our organization's punch onCapitol Hill, representing its members in the most effective way possible.Our challenge to you is to have each and every FOP member in yourdepartment, lodge, and State commit $5.00 a month to the NFOP PAC.Please contact the National Legislative Office to learn about the variousways you can contribute to the NFOP PAC.
TIM RICHARDSONSenior Legislative Liaison JIM PASCOExecutive DirectorMARK MCDONALDLegislative Liaison DAVID TABOHLegislative Liaison JESSICA CAHILLPress Liaison MATT BROWNLegislative Liaison