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FOP Update - 29 December 2022

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WASHINGTON WATCHN A T I O N A L F R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C E W E E K L Y U P D A T E | 2 9 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2L E G I S L A T I V E U P D A T EJIM PASCOPATRICK YOES THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERSExecutive DirectorNational President- Subscribe to the FOP’s Weekly Update -

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LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYCLICK TO REGISTER FOR THE EVENT & BOOK LODGINGNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE @GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNational President Patrick Yoes gave numerous media interviews regarding lawenforcement challenges on the horizon, the increase of violence toward lawenforcement officers across the country as well as the recruitment and retentioncrisis.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with U.S. Associate Attorney General Vanita Guptaregarding vacancies within the U.S. Department of Justice.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Heather Fong, Counselor to the U.S. Secretaryof Homeland Security, regarding the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court directingthe Federal government to continue enforcing Title 42, an emergency public healthorder.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Erika Dinkel-Smith, Director for Labor withinthe White House Office of Public Engagement, regarding upcoming labor-related events.

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THE WHITE HOUSETHIS WEEK IN WASHINGTONPresident Joseph R. Biden, Jr. signed numerous FOP-supported pieces oflegislation into law. These include:@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICEH.R. 7181, the “Human Trafficking Prevention Act,” which promotes the posting ofcontact information for the National Human Trafficking Hotline;S. 2899, the “Prison Camera Reform Act,” which requires the Bureau of Prisons toestablish a plan to maintain and upgrade their security camera, radio, and public addresssystems to ensure the health and safety of staff and inmates, and documentation ofvideo evidence of misconduct;S. 2991, the “Countering Human Trafficking Act,” which authorizes the U.S. Departmentof Homeland Security’s Center for Countering Human Trafficking;S. 3846, the “Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Reauthorization Act," whichreauthorizes the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) through2026;S. 4003, the “Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act," which requires the U.S.Department of Justice to work with State and local law enforcement agencies,professional law enforcement organizations and law enforcement labor organizations,and others to develop or identify scenario-based mental health training curricula onissues like de-escalation and response approaches to individuals experiencing a mentalor behavioral health crisis; andS. 5230, the “Help Find the Missing Act,” which creates a more complete missing andunidentified persons database while also streamlining the reporting process for lawenforcement.

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COSPONSORS94305211H.R. 82LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS’ EQUITYSOCIAL SECURITY FAIRNESSCOLLECTIVE BARGAINING RIGHTSCOSPONSORS154S. 1888COSPONSORS103525H.R. 3225NOT YET INTRODUCED IN THE SENATECOSPONSORS2510580H.R. 962COSPONSORS44238S. 1302The “Law Enforcement Officers’ Equity Act" would expand the definition of "lawenforcement officer" for salary and retirement benefits to include all Federallaw enforcement officers.The “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act” would recognize theright of law enforcement and other public safety officers to bargaincollectively with their employers.The “Social Security Fairness Act” would repeal both the "Windfall EliminationProvision" and the "Government Pension Offset" in current Social Security law.TOP LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE

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The "LEOSA Reform Act" would amend the Law Enforcement Officers' SafetyAct (LEOSA), exempts qualified active and retired law enforcement officersfrom local and State prohibitions on the carriage of concealed firearms, toensure that these officers are able to carry in the same venues as civilianconcealed carry permit holders in areas like schools and national parks, as wellas use public transportation and extends the exemption to magazine capacityand would allow active and retired law enforcement officers to access servicesat U.S. post offices, Social Security Administration offices or Veterans Affairsfacilities.LEOSA REFORMCOSPONSORS220S. 1610COSPONSORS58591H.R. 1210PROTECT AND SERVEThe "Protect and Serve Act" would make it a Federal crime to target a lawenforcement officer with an assault that results in seriously bodily harm or death.MORE RESOURCES ON OUR LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIESFULL LIST OF LEGISLATION SUPPORTED BY THE FOPCOSPONSORS23230S. 774COSPONSORS83918H.R. 3079LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE

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FOP NEWSROOM@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICESouth Bend police officers replaced stolen Christmas giftsfor a local family victimized by a break-in... MoreIndiana police officers save Christmas for localfamily: 'Makes everything worthwhile' [Fox News[Business owners call on customers to continuesupporting local establishments in the face of a crimewave... MoreSmall businesses pay ultimate price as crimewave continues battering communities across thenation [Fox Business]A bail reform group, backed by celebrities including DannyGlover, John Legend and Richard Branson, has shut downits Las Vegas chapter after helping to release... MoreCelebrity-Backed Bail Organization Shutters AfterReleasing Man Who Went On To Shoot Waiter[Deadline]Patrick Yoes, National President of the Fraternal Order ofPolice, released the following statement regarding theNational FOP’s recent report on officers shot and killed inthe line of duty... MoreUPDATED: One of the Most Dangerous Years forLaw EnforcementLate last month, we conducted an informal—and totallyunscientific—poll of a few dozen law enforcementeducators and trainers from around the... More2022 in Review: 3 Police Leaders' Thoughts onthe Recruiting & Retention Crisis [Police Magazine]

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BLUE VIEW PODCASTTHE BLUE VIEW PODCASTNational President Patrick Yoes sits down with guests to discussthe issues and current events surrounding the law enforcementcommunity. Each week you'll hear from law enforcementexperts, elected officials, and notable leaders!SUBSCRIBE@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICELISTEN NOWREAL TALK: WHAT'S FUELINGTHE CRIME CRISIS?with Rick SnyderThe United States is experiencing a realcrisis with the level of violence directed atour law enforcement officers. It's unlikeanything we've seen in the past 30 years.We’ve seen more than 300 law enforcementofficers shot in the line of duty this... MORELISTEN NOWwith Congressman Garret GravesFIGHTING FOR FAIRNESSThe Social Security Fairness Act is thenumber one legislative priority for the FOP.Because of current Social Security law,millions of retired police officers,firefighters, and other governmentemployees face as much as a 60% cut totheir Social Security benefits... MORE

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MAKE Y URVOICE HEARDSOCIAL SECURITYThis is About Fairness! UrgeCongress to Pass the "SocialSecurity Fairness Act"FEDERAL OFFICERSSupport Our Federal Officers byPassing the "Law EnforcementOfficers' Equity Act"LEOSA REFORMSupport Active and Retired LawEnforcement Officers by Passingthe "LEOSA Reform Act"PROTECT AND SERVEUrge Congress to Protect OurPolice Officers and Pass the"Protect and Serve Act"HELPER ACTSupport Law Enforcement! Tell Congress to Pass H.R. 3172/S. 2981COLLECTIVE BARGAININGWe Must Fight for the Right toBargain Collectively! UrgeCongress to Pass H.R. 3225TAKE ACTIONTAKE ACTIONTAKE ACTIONTAKE ACTIONTAKE ACTIONTAKE ACTIONFOP ACTION CENTER@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE

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LEARN MORE LEARN MORELEARN MORELEARN MOREOn the Blue View, a weekly podcastpresented by the National FraternalOrder of Police, you'll hear from lawenforcement experts, electedofficials, and other notable leadersto gain insight into the issues andcurrent events surrounding the lawenforcement community. The Collaborative Reform InitiativeTechnical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) provides no cost, customizedtechnical assistance solutionsdesigned to meet the uniqueneeds of state, local, tribal, &campus law enforcement agenciesthroughout the United States.The COPS Office awards grants tohire community policingprofessionals, develop and testinnovative policing strategies, andprovide training and technicalassistance to community members,local government leaders, and alllevels of law enforcement. The Office of Justice Programs (OJP)provides innovative leadership toFederal, state, local, and tribal justicesystems, by disseminating state-of-theart knowledge and practices, andproviding grants for theimplementation of these crimefighting strategies. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEOFFICE OF JUSTICEPROGRAMSADDITIONAL RESOURCES@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE

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DONATEClick HereDONATEClick HereCAN YOU CHIP IN $5?The Fraternal Order of Police is committed to improving the workingconditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we servethrough education, legislation, information, community involvement, andemployee representation. The National FOP PAC is the power behind our organization's punch onCapitol Hill, representing its members in the most effective way possible.Our challenge to you is to have each and every FOP member in yourdepartment, lodge, and State commit $5.00 a month to the NFOP PAC.Please contact the National Legislative Office to learn about the variousways you can contribute to the NFOP PAC. POL I TIC A L A C TIO N CO M MIT T EE@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE

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