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October 2020 Exclusive Benefits for FOP Members FOP Medicare 2019 National Fraternal Order of Police
Our new vendor partners stand ready to serve you National Executive Board Patrick Yoes President Joe Gamaldi Vice President Jimmy Holderfield Secretary Tom Penoza Treasurer Les Neri 2nd Vice President For general information please do not hesitate to reach out to FOP Benefits Marketing Director Gena Moore She stands ready to answer your questions and if she doesn t know the answer she will find out the answer and get you to the right people Keith Turney Sgt at Arms Rob Pride Chairman of Trustees Program Development Committee Jack Simington Chair Desmond Carter Chet DeLong Steve Demofonte Allen Hamby Matthew Heady Ron Leek Bob Martinez Dan Silva Stephen Walker Pease note that OPEN ENROLLMENT for the Colonial Life voluntary benefits is in progress NOW and you may get rates plan details and enroll right over the phone For more information contact Gena Moore Director of Marketing FOP Benefits Cell 586 360 8913 Email gmoore fop benefits com
VENDOR SPOTLIGHT Ricky Persad Director of Strategic Partnerships BurnAlong
Vendor Spotlight BurnAlong Ricky Persad What is your job title and what do you do My title is Director of Partnerships and Relationship Marketing but I am really a jack of all trades and I work across all departments My primary focus is working directly with customers that offer BurnAlong and show them how the program can add real value What was the biggest influence on your career choice My mom died this past May and she had the biggest impact on my life She was a very positive person and she had a way of relating with people and building them up I started with the founders Mike and Daniel at the kitchen table building BurnAlong from the ground up and I saw it as an opportunity to help a lot of people and to have a positive impact in communities Tell me about your history and where you grew up My family lived in 12 different cities around the United States including Philadelphia Orlando Tampa Raleigh and now Baltimore My mom and dad were from Trinidad and they were very cognizant of the melting pot of cultures in North America They first moved to Canada and then to the US They instilled in us from a very young age that we could live in different ways amongst different peoples and they wanted us to experience and live that What gets you out of bed in the morning Every single day I pray that I have a positive influence on everyone I meet no matter who they are If you could snap your fingers and instantly make something better in the world what would it be I would cure cancer It has taken so much from so many Cancer took my mom in May of 2020 and it is something that I wish we could eradicate If you found out today was your last day on Earth what would you do I would have a massive party and spend time with my family dad aunts cousins friends my dog and my wife Basically be around people I love eating all my favorite foods What are the top three things on your bucket list 1 Travel to Australia 2 Take my dad to el Cl sico soccer match in Spain and watch Madrid play Barcelona 3 Live in a different country for a few years to gain that experience If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be French fries are my favorite food and my favorite thing is to dip them in a mixture of the Polynesian Chic fil A sauces If you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be I am a DJ so music is important to me and I love 80 s music If I had to choose one album it would be Billy Joel s greatest hits What is one piece of advice or motto that would best describe how you approach life Perspective is everything I learned that we all have an ingrained perspective that we grow up with and to be able to see out of other people s lenses and understand their perspective is the greatest thing anyone can do I am big on community and living peacefully together and that for me means people keeping an open mind and an open ear to others Pineapple on pizza yes or no No I have tried it and it is not my thing but I believe you should do whatever makes YOU happy