National President Patrick Yoes spoke with various media outlets.
National President Patrick Yoes concluded the Spring National Board Meeting in Salt Late City,
Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison Laura Gormally spoke with
staff in the Office for State and Local Law Enforcement in the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security about their grant programs supporting State and local law enforcement.
National President Patrick Yoes attended the 2025 Black and Blue Gala in Salt Lake City, UT.
Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Alex Flemister, Director of Strategic Initiatives in the
White House Office of Public Liaison, regarding upcoming collaborative opportunities.
Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Greg Heeb, a member of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation’s staff in their Washington, D.C office, regarding ways to build on our already
positive previous meeting with FBI Director Kashyap Patel.
Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the office of Senator Amy J.
Klobuchar (D-MN) about legislation to reauthorize the Office of Community Oriented Policing
Services (COPS) and other FOP priorities.
Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with staff in the office of Senator T. Jonathan
Ossoff (D-GA) about legislation related to the Bulletproof Vest Partnership program.
Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson spoke with the staff in the office of Representative
Michael V. Lawler (R-NY) to discuss legislation about the Public Safety Officers Benefits
Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Terrence M. Cunningham, Deputy Executive Director
of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, regarding issues of mutual organizational