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FOP Update - July 13

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SPEAK THE TRUTH AND DEFEND THE POLICEThe National FOP released its latest video:"Speak the Truth and Defend the Police"To watch the video, pleaseclick here.@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICE

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPNational President Patrick Yoes participated in aboard meeting with the National Law EnforcementOfficers Memorial Fund.National President Patrick Yoes had numerous callswith public relations consultants. National President Patrick Yoesparticipated in avideo conference with the National Board of Trustees.National President Patrick Yoesgave numerousmedia interviews.National Vice PresidentJoe Gamaldi joined Fox &Friends to discuss thesocial-media attacks onthe daughter of a fallenofficer. Click to watch.LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICE

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPLEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICENational Vice President Joe Gamaldi traveled to theWhite House to meet with Vice President Michael R.Pence and other law enforcement leaders to discuss theissues impacting rank-and-file law enforcement officers.In the meeting, the Vice President expressed theAdministration's strong support for the men and womenof law enforcement.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Jack A.Rauch, who was recently promoted to Special Assistantto the President, regarding COVID-19 related issues aswell as pending police legislation.

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LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITY@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICEExecutive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Rachel Bissex,Deputy Chief of Staff to the Attorney General,regardingchanges to variousU.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)outreach programs.Executive Director Jim Pascospoke withJohn H. Hill,Assistant Secretary for the Office of Partnership andEngagement (OPE) within the U.S. Department of HomelandSecurity (DHS), Scott G. Erickson, Special Assistant to theU.S. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)for Law Enforcement, and Brian Dorow,Deputy AssistantSecretary, Office for State and Local Law Enforcement(OSLLE),regarding the potential for reimbursement of FOPexpenditures for PPE for members where the employingjurisdiction did not provide them.Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with representativesfrom the Biden andTrump presidential campaigns,regarding the the status of their completion of the FOP'sPresidential Questionnaire.

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LEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITY@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICESenior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson had aconference call with law enforcement stakeholderorganizations and staff in the office of Senator TimothyE. Scott (R-SC) on policing reform.Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and LegislativeLiaison Rebecca Tyushad a conference call with theCommittee on the Judiciary staff ofChairman Lindsey O.Graham (R-SC) regarding S. 3398, the “EARN IT Act."Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and LegislativeLiaison Rebecca Tyushad numerous calls with stakeholdergroups and staff in the offices of Representative Carolyn B.Maloney (D-NY), Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO),and with the House Committee on Financial Servicesregarding H.R. 6395, the “William M. (Mac) ThornberryNational Defense Authorization (NDAA) Act," and H. Amdt499, the “Corporate Transparency Act and COUNTER Act."Legislative Liaison Mark McDonald had a call with FirstNetstaff regarding the ongoing partnership between the FOPand FirstNet.

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Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardsonparticipated ina virtual staff meeting of the Presidential Commission onLaw Enforcement and the Administration of Justice.on Law Enforcement and the Administration of JusticePresidential CommissionLEGISLATIVE NEWS & ACTIVITYSenior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardsonparticipated ina virtual Commission hearing of the Working Group onPolice Officer Health.@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICESenior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardsonparticipated ina virtual Commission hearing of the Working Group onRespect for Law Enforcement.

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPVice President Michael R.Pence met with NationalVice President JoeGamaldi and other lawenforcement leaders todiscuss the issuesimpacting rank-and-filelaw enforcement officers.President Donald J. Trump met with Americans fromacross the country whose lives have been saved by lawenforcement heroes.THE WHITE HOUSETHIS WEEK IN WASHINGTON, D.C.F R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICE

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPThe House was in pro forma session this week and willresume business next week.THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESThe Committee on Appropriations considered and approvedthe FY2021 Defense; Commerce, Justice, Science, andRelated Agencies appropriations bills on a 30-22 vote. Thebill was sent to the Senate for further action.The Senate was in pro forma session this week and willresume business next week.THE UNITED STATES SENATEF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICETHIS WEEK IN WASHINGTON, D.C.

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E RN A L O RD E R O F P O L ICEThe FOP launched its new COVID-19 website, whichcontains comprehensive COVID-19 informationspecific to law enforcement. Please Visit:FOPCOVID19.ORGJuly 13:The National Legislative Officeprovided FOP memberswith information, released by theU.S. Department of HomelandSecurity (DHS),regarding DHS’s recent activity in response toCOVID-19.To view thisinformation, pleaseclick here.RECENT COVID-19 ACTIVITYJuly 17: Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Jack A. Rauch,who was recently promoted to Special Assistant to the President,regarding COVID-19 related issues.July 17: Executive Director Jim Pascospoke withJohn H.Hill,Assistant Secretary for OPE within DHS,and BrianDorow,Deputy Assistant Secretary, OSLLE,regarding the potentialfor reimbursement of FOP expenditures for PPE for memberswhere the employing jurisdiction did not provide them.

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C EH.R. 1154/S. 1394This bill would recognize theright of law enforcement andother public safety officers tobargain collectively with theiremployers.H.R. 1195/S. 473THE “LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS’ EQUITY ACT"THE “PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE COOPERATION ACT”21 7SENATE COSPONSORS2 02 06HOUSE COSPONSORSThis bill would would expand thedefinition of "law enforcementofficer" for salary and retirementbenefits to include all Federallaw enforcement officers.15SENATE COSPONSORS1 44 5HOUSE COSPONSORSH.R. 141/S. 521THE “SOCIAL SECURITY FAIRNESS ACT”This bill would repeal both the"Windfall Elimination Provision"and the "Government PensionOffset" in current SocialSecurity law.53 338SENATE COSPONSORS5 91 90248HOUSE COSPONSORS65919226TOP LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C EThis bill would would make it a Federal crime to target a lawenforcement officer with an assault that results in seriouslybodily harm or death.THE "PROTECT AND SERVE ACT"H.R. 132529736HOUSE COSPONSORSThis bill would would amend the Law Enforcement Officers'Safety Act (LEOSA), which exempts qualified active and retiredlaw enforcement officers from local and State prohibitions onthe carriage of concealed firearms, to ensure that theseofficers are able to carry in the same venues as civilianconcealed carry permit holders in areas like schools andnational parks, as well as use public transportation andextends the exemption to magazine capacity and would allowactive and retired law enforcement officers to access servicesat U.S. post offices, Social Security Administration offices orVeterans' Affairs facilities.THE "LEOSA REFORM ACT"H.R. 115636036HOUSE COSPONSORSLEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPNational President Yoes sent a letter urging the inclusion of the“Corporate Transparency Act and COUNTER Act” into the NDAA.LETTERF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C E

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPNational President Yoes sent a letter urging the Senate to oppose S.Amdt. 2252, which would impose restrictions on the 1033 program.LETTERF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C E

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPNational FOP@GLFOPSome in the media & opportunistic politicianswould have you believe the public wants to#DefundThePolice We agree w/ @realDonaldTrump & @VP this aFALSE narrative and the FOP is here to share theFACTS w/the American people!Please help us spread the TRUTH!#DefendThePoliceF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C ETWEET OF THE WEEK

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C ENomination Period Open Until July 31st for the Public Safety Officer Medal of ValorFederal, state, local, and tribal public safety officers performcourageous acts in communities across our country every day.To recognize these brave individuals, the President of the UnitedStates or his designee annually presents recipients with thenation’s highest award for public safety—theMedal of Valor.To learn more about the award, pleaseCLICK HEREMEDAL OF VALOR NOMINATIONS

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C E2020 CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIREA Model Questionnaire for use by State and Local LodgesThe following model questionnaire has been prepared by the NationalLegislative Office and is being provided to all State and local Lodges to aidthem in evaluating Federal candidates for the United States Congress in the2020 election cycle.The questions draw from issues being lobbied by the Grand Lodge inWashington, D.C.It is particularly important for the State and local Lodges toendorse candidates who support our top priority items and topubliclyopposethose candidates who do not.The success of the National LegislativeProgram depends on having an active grassroots base and on electinglawmakers who support our pro-law enforcement agenda.To view the questionnaire:CLICK HERETo obtain a copy of your Representative's or Senators'legislative scorecard, please email

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C EWe need your help to increase the number of cosponsors in orderto repeal the Windfall Elimination (WEP) and the GovernmentPension Offset (GPO).Urge your Representative and Senators to support H.R. 141/S. 521, the "Social Security Fairness Act"CLICK HERETo Contact Your Representative and SenatorsHELP US REPEAL WEP & GPO

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C EThe Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance Center(CRI-TAC) provides no cost, customized technical assistancesolutions designed to meet the unique needs of state, local,tribal, & campus law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S.The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) provides innovativeleadership to federal, state, local, and tribal justice systems,by disseminating state-of-the art knowledge and practicesacross America, and providing grants for the implementationof these crime fighting strategies. The COPS Office awards grants to hire community policingprofessionals, develop and test innovative policing strategies, andprovide training and technical assistance to community members,local government leaders, and all levels of law enforcement.VISIT WEBSITEVISIT WEBSITEVISIT WEBSITE

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C EThe Fraternal Order of Police is committed to improving the workingconditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those weserve through education, legislation, information, communityinvolvement, and employee representation. Our challenge to you is to have each and every FOP member in yourdepartment, lodge, and state commit $5.00 a month to the NFOPPAC. Please contact the Legislative Office to learn about the variousways you can contribute to the NFOP PAC.National FOP Political Action CommitteeThe NFOP PAC is the power behind ourorganization's punch on Capitol Hill,representing its members in the mosteffective way possible. Can You Chip In $5?

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@GLFOP@FOPNATIONAL@GLFOP@GLFOPMICHELLE MASONAdministrative Assistant mmason@fop.netR E B E C C A T Y U SLegislative Liaison rtyus@fop.netMARK MCDONALDLegislative Liaison mmcdonald@fop.netTIM RICHARDSONSenior Legislative Liaison trichardson@fop.netJ I M P A S C OExecutive Director jpasco@fop.netF R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C E328 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, D.C. 20002Phone: 202-547-8189 Fax: 202-547-8190T H E S T E V E Y O U N G Law Enforcement Legislative Advocacy Center