LEADERSHIP MATTERSA Seminar for Local and State Lodge Leaders@GL F O P@FOP N A T I O N A LNA TI ON AL F R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C EThe National Fraternal Order of Police Presents:February 22-24, 2024 | Nashville, TN
Leadership Matters continues to be one of our most popular training seminars,designed specifically to aid lodge officers in conducting the business of the lodgemore efficiently. We strive every year to make this seminar one that state and locallodges will make sure officers attend.Three (3) days of classes focusing on Administrative, Executive and Financialtraining for lodge officers.Make plans to arrive by 3:00 pm on Wednesday, February 21, for earlyregistration check-in.Each attendee will receive a laptop sleeve with the FOP logo embossed on itand a flash drive with all the training materials at registration. A copy of Robert'sRules of Order will be given only upon request indicated on the registrationform.Tours of the National FOP Headquarters will be available. You are encouragedto stop by while you are here.FOP merchandise will be available for sale Thursday, Friday and Saturdayduring seminar hours.This seminar does fill up quickly, so send in your registration as soon aspossible.For more information, contact Stephanie Simpson at ssimpson@fop.net.SEMINAR INFORMATION:When: Where:February 22-24, 2024 Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TNRegistration Fee: $500 per person | Registration Deadline - February 1, 2024National Fraternal Order of Police
Date: February 22-24, 2024 Location: Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TN Registration Fee: $500 per person. Registration deadline is February 1, 2024. No refunds after that date. Attendee Information: Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ________ Phone: _____________________________________ Email: _________________________ Lodge: ____________________________________________________________________ Position in the Lodge: (please select one) President Secretary Treasurer Other _________ Is this your first time attending? Yes No Check here to request a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order Method of Payment: (please select one) *Please note: A convenience fee of 3% will be added by the card processing company to all credit card transactions. No part of this fee goes to the National Fraternal Order of Police. Check Amex Discover Mastercard Visa Card Type: Debit Credit Name on Card: ______________________________________________________________ Credit Card #: ______________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: __________________________________ Security Code: ____________________ Billing Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ____________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________ Total Enclosed: $ _____________________________________________________________ Send Registrations To: Registrations can be sent in by mail or email. If sent by email, complete this form, and save before sending. Confirmation will be emailed upon receipt of the form and payment. National Fraternal Order of Police Attention: Stephanie Simpson 701 Marriott Drive, Nashville, TN 37214 Email: ssimpson@fop.net | Phone: 800-451-2711 Leadership Matters 2024 Registration Form
Group Room Rate: $155 + Tax Deadline for booking rooms at the group rate is January 17, 2024.Parking: Self parking is $10 per day. Day parking for attendees not staying at the hotel is $10 per day.The hotel does provide shuttle service to and from the airport.You must register for the seminar first. After your registration formand payment have been received, you will receive an emailconfirmation from the National Office with a link for making hotelreservations online. The hotel prefers that all reservations be madethrough this link.The room block will fill up quickly. Rooms are first-come, first-served,so get your registration turned in early.HOTEL INFORMATION:Sheraton Music City777 McGavock PikeNashville, TN 37214National Fraternal Order of Police
National Fraternal Order of PoliceAttendee Registration/Check-In will be in the Hermitage Lobby.Membership Database Training will be available in the Edgewood Room onThursday, Friday and Saturday.FOP Merchandise will be available in the Belmont Room on Thursday, Friday andSaturday during seminar hours.Lunch will be served buffet style in the Main Lobby and can be eaten in theMcGavock Ballroom and Belle Meade Room.FOP Benefit Vendors will be set up in the Hermitage Lobby. Make plans to stop byand see what great benefits are available to FOP members.Hospitality will be held in Belle Meade.HOTEL FLOOR PLANRegistration/Check-InVendor AreaHospitality/LunchLunchMerchandiseMembershipDatabaseTraining
National Fraternal Order of PoliceVENDOR TABLESLaborServicesSF&CEBS UnionCollegeBenefitCollegeAveStudent LoansAmplifonAmazonBusinessDignityMemorialNationalDiagnosticServicesAetnaHealthcareTrustCRI-TACBrookdaleSeniorLivingCrossCountryMortgageHeroesVacationClubThin BlueLine BenefitsTravelPerksNationalPoliceCreditUnionWA StateTrustDirectMortgageLoansHylant CipollaBMGMoneyNFOPFoundationNFOPRegistrationDesk
National Fraternal Order of PoliceAGENDAWednesday, February 213:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Early Registration/Check-In (Hermitage Lobby)Thursday, February 22 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration/Check-In (Hermitage Lobby)8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Hands-On Membership Database Training (Edgewood) This is a come-when-you-can, one-on-one format. It is NOT an all day class to sit through. NFOP Membership Department9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Opening Ceremony & Presentation of Colors (Hermitage Ballroom) Metro Nashville Police Department Color Guard Introductions & Announcements Patrick Yoes, NFOP President9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The State of the FOP/Success by Design (Hermitage Ballroom) Patrick Yoes, NFOP President12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch (McGavock Ballroom & Belle Meade Room)1:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. How to Conduct Interviews & Podcasts and Impact Public Perception (Hermitage Ballroom) Joe Gamaldi, NFOP Vice President and James Smallwood, NFOP Treasurer2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Break3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Duties of the Lodge Executive Board (Hermitage Ballroom) Darrell Basco, LA State President ; Mike Essig, NY State President; and Stephen Schulz, CO State President5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Hospitality (Belle Meade)
National Fraternal Order of PoliceFriday, February 23 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Hands-On Membership Database Training (Edgewood) This is a come-when-you-can, one-on-one format. It is NOT an all day class to sit through. NFOP Membership Department 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Breakout Session 1 B1 – 1: You’ve Been Elected Lodge Treasurer...Now What? (Hermitage A/B) James Smallwood, NFOP Treasurer B1 – 2: Lodge Secretary Duties (Hermitage C/D) Jimmy Holderfield, NFOP Secretary9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. B1 – 3: Labor Services/Current Labor/Contract Negotiation Issues (Hermitage E) Roger Mayberry, Director of Labor Services and Mike Powell, Labor Committee Chairman B1 – 4: Recruitment & Retention (Hermitage F) Rich Shailor, Recruitment Committee Chairman10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Break10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. B1 – 5: FOP Legal Defense Plan (Hermitage E) Michael Yon, Hylant Group B1 – 6: Succession Planning & Mentoring (Hermitage F) Adam Crawford, Succession Planning Committee Chairman B1 – 7: NFOP Healthcare Trust Medical Plan (Two Rivers) Steve Gervasio, NFOP Healthcare Liaison and Healthcare Trust Board12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch (McGavock Ballroom & Belle Meade Room) AGENDA
National Fraternal Order of PoliceAGENDAFriday, February 23 (continued) 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Breakout Session 2 B2 – 1: Tax Affairs (Hermitage A/B) Bob Krone, NFOP Staff Accountant B2 – 2: Basic Robert’s Rules of Order (Hermitage C/D) Rob Pride, NFOP Chairman of the Trustees B2 – 3: Diversity Awareness (Hermitage E) Robert Gaddy, Diversity Committee Chairman B2 – 4: DART: Preparation and Training for When Disaster Strikes (Hermitage F) Jason Smith, DART Committee Chairman2:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Break2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Breakout Session 3 B3 – 1: Member Benefits (Hermitage A/B) Jack Simington, Program Development Committee Chairman B3 – 2: Chaplain Network (Hermitage C/D) Rick Snyder, NFOP Chaplain B3 – 3: Correctional Transformation: “Cuff to Cuff, Is it Enough?” (Hermitage E) Leslie Baxley and Courtney Gottschalk, AZ Dept. of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry B3 – 4: Navigating the Political Landscape: Relationships, Endorsements, and Contributions (Hermitage F) Mark Nelson, Legislative Committee Chairman2:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. B3 – 5: QuickBooks - Basics (Two Rivers) Attendees need to bring a laptop with QuickBooks already installed. Izabela Poludniak and Jim Robbs, Sassetti B3 – 6: QuickBooks - Advanced (Cheekwood) Attendees need to bring a laptop with QuickBooks already installed. Margaret Rizzo, Sassetti5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Hospitality (Belle Meade)
National Fraternal Order of PoliceSaturday, February 24 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Hands-On Membership Database Training (Edgewood) This is a come-when-you-can, one-on-one format. It is NOT an all day class to sit through. NFOP Membership Department9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Officer Wellness: What FOP Leaders Need to Know (Hermitage Ballroom) Sherri Martin, Director of Officer Wellness Jacqueline Drew, PhD, Griffith University10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Break10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. National Police Week (Hermitage Ballroom) Andy Maybo, Memorial Committee12:00 p.m. – 12:15 p.m. Break12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Roundtable with Executive Board (Hermitage Ballroom)*Note: The evaluations and certificates are digital this year. You will be sent an email with alink to complete the online evaluation. After completing your evaluation, send an email tossimpson@fop.net, requesting your certificate. Once the evaluation is verified as completed,your certificate will be emailed to you.FOP Merchandise: Available in the Belmont Room on Thursday, Friday & Saturday during seminarhours.National FOP Headquarters Tours: The building will be open Thursday and Friday from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. (excluding lunch hour). Everyone is invited to come by for a tour and to take pictures.Hospitality Room: Open Thursday and Friday nights from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the BelleMeade Room.** Photo Alert** Pictures taken during the seminar could be used in FOP media such as theJournal, brochures, website, social media, etc. AGENDA
Basic Robert’s Rules of Order – Rob PrideThis class is designed for new or aspiring lodge leaders who are interested inlearning the basics of Robert’s Rules to assist them in running a lodge meeting.This is NOT an advanced class for parliamentarians or those already familiar withRobert’s Rules. This will give attendees the basic knowledge, skills, and tools touse when chairing lodge or committee meetings.Chaplain Network – Rick SnyderNational FOP Chaplain Rick Snyder delivers an overview of Chaplaincy resourcesavailable to support members nationwide. A review of the National FOP ChaplainNetwork, strategic partnerships and case studies from various states/cities andtowns included. Discussion also highlights opportunities via the FOP DisasterAssistance Response Team.Correctional Transformation: “Cuff to Cuff, Is it Enough?”– Leslie Baxley andCourtney GottschalkCorrectional Facilities have had a long-standing history of a power and controlmentality that has proven to not be very effective. By moving away from the care,custody, and control model and towards restorative practices, we can begin totransform the culture of corrections into a safer, more effective, and efficientcorrectional model. Through evidence-based programming and treatment,correctional staff can work with the incarcerated on Criminal Thinking Errors,Education, Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health, and Life Skills. This modernapproach will, in turn, provide enhanced public safety for both the incarceratedpopulation and the community.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Current Labor/Contract Negotiation Issues – Roger Mayberry and Mike PowellThis seminar is an open discussion of the top issues facing labor unions and thecurrent trends in negotiations and labor issues from around the country. Theinstructors will introduce an open discussion on topics and facilitate classparticipation. This is an interactive class.DART: Preparation and Training for When Disaster Strikes – Jason SmithWhen disaster strikes, our first responder heroes spring into action withouthesitation. They respond without consideration for their own families or homes thatare often damaged or destroyed. It is the mission of the Disaster Area ResponseTeam (DART) to assist those officers and their communities by providing immediateassistance to officers standing on the Thin Blue Line.Diversity Awareness – Robert GaddyThis program is focused on diversity awareness at all levels of the Fraternal Order ofPolice. Attendees will gather valuable information to take back to their own statesand lodges that will aid them in fostering a more diverse organization.Duties of the Lodge Executive Board – Darrell Basco, Mike Essig and Stephen SchulzThis training instructs local lodge leaders in executive board duties and procedures.FOP Benefits – Jack SimingtonBenefits are only valuable if your members know about them! The FOP hasimplemented benefits and services that members and their families would not haveaccess to on their own. These benefits can help lodges retain current members andattract new ones.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSNational Fraternal Order of Police
FOP Legal Defense Plan – Michael YonDon’t let an administrative, civil, or criminal lawsuit affect your financial or jobsecurity. This session will provide guidance around the necessity of protecting youand safeguarding your family’s future with affordable, comprehensive coveragethrough the FOP Legal Defense Plan. This session will leave you with a clear visionof the dedicated claim services, experience and expertise of law enforcement cases,the attorney selection process, and the invaluable cost of obtaining legal defenseprotection before a lawsuit happens.Hands-On Membership Database Training – NFOP Membership DepartmentRepresentatives will be available for any lodge secretary or administrator whowould like instruction on the membership database. This is a come when you can,brief, one-on-one session with a membership representative to answer anyquestions about the membership database and/or membership procedures. How to Conduct Interviews & Podcasts and Impact Public Perception –Joe Gamaldi and James SmallwoodBuckle up as National VP Joe Gamaldi and Treasurer James Smallwood deliver anentertaining presentation about the importance of lodges leveraging social mediato reach goals, while drawing much needed attention to their issues. They will showyou how to create your own media, prepare for the interviews that will follow, andpresent a case study to show you the step-by-step process.Labor Services – Roger MayberryThis class will provide an overview of Labor Services and how we can help yourlabor programs.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Lodge Secretary Duties – Jimmy HolderfieldAttendees will gain knowledge of their role as lodge secretary as required by theConstitution & By-Laws. Topics covered will include minute scribing, recordretention, communications, trademark regulations, membership requirements,compliance, and general duties. An introduction to the new AssociationManagement System (AMS) replacing the current database (VUE) will be given.National Police Week – Andy MayboLearn about National Police Week, including its history, an overview of events andthe role of the FOP in planning and preparation. This informative session will includekey tips and resources for those who are attending for the first time or wish tooptimize their experience.Navigating the Political Landscape: Relationships, Endorsements, andContributions – Mark NelsonFew things are more challenging than leading your members through electionseason. Candidates will emerge and want your support. We will discuss how todevelop and maintain relationships, how to proceed when your candidate does notwin, and how to make your endorsement have value. We will also cover what is aPAC and how to make it work for your members.NFOP Healthcare Trust Medical Plan – Steve Gervasio and Healthcare Trust BoardThis breakout session will be an overview of the new medical plan being offered tolodges with collective bargaining by the NFOP Healthcare Trust. A summary of theplan, benefits and pricing will be presented in addition to strategies for bringing theplan to your lodge. Additionally, an overall summary of the NFOP Aetna MedicareAdvantage Plan, benefits and pricing will also be be discussed.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Officer Wellness: What FOP Leaders Need to Know – Sherri MartinThe world of a police officer has changed in the past decade, and we now knowmore than ever about what works for our members. This seminar will provideimportant updates on trends in officer wellness, including information about newand up[coming programs, integrating a discussion of officers' rights as departmentsbegin to impose mandated wellness visits.QuickBooks - Basics – Sassetti, LLC (Izabela Poludniak and Jim Robbs)This class focuses on basic functions of QuickBooks Desktop and Online – includingbank reconciliations, recording deposits, checks, creating budgets and runningreports. Will also highlight best practices related to internal controls. Specificquestions/issues will be addressed to the best of our abilities during the session butmay require follow-up after the seminar. Attendees need to bring a laptop withQuickBooks already installed.QuickBooks - Advanced – Sassetti, LLC (Margaret Rizzo)Attendees will explore advanced QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Onlinefeatures including entering bills and bill payments, invoicing - recurring/batchinvoicing, printing/emailing invoices, and payment application. The class will alsotouch on best practices for integrating bank feeds and importing transactions usingQB or other available applications. Prerequisites include: basic knowledge ofQuickBooks (writing checks, entering deposits), performing bank reconciliationswithin QuickBooks, and basic Excel skills including creating a spreadsheet.Attendees need to bring a laptop with QuickBooks already installed.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Recruitment and Retention – Rich ShailorThis class covers not only how to recruit new members into the FOP, but how to helpkeep them active and involved. There will be an open discussion at the end of thisseminar asking for input from the audience on current trends and issues. No oneknows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today’s police officers better thananother officer, and no one knows police officers better than the FOP.State of the FOP – Patrick YoesCourse description not provided.Success by Design – Patrick YoesCourse description not provided.Succession Planning and Mentoring – Adam CrawfordThe purpose of this course is to provide information to lodge leaders to aid themwith recruiting, coaching, and mentoring younger members to become futureleaders in the organization while using our generational differences to ouradvantage.Tax Affairs – Robert KroneReviewing Federal tax filing requirements as well as discussing how to reinstate alodge that has lost its tax exemption with the IRS. Additional topics include fund-raising issues, defining compensation, discussing unrelated business income andvarious accounting and bookkeeping issues.You've Been Elected Lodge Treasurer... Now What? – James SmallwoodCourse description not provided.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Darrell Basco – State President (LA) Darrell has been the State President for Louisiana for the past 14 years. He serves on the Louisiana Law Enforcement Commission, as well as several other task forces. Darrell is currently the Chief of Police for Pineville, Louisiana. Leslie Baxley – Program Manager, AZ Dept. of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry Leslie Baxley is a Program Manager at the Arizona Department of Corrections Rehabilitation and Reentry with 11 years of experience. Her passion in this field is to enhance public safety, help improve recidivism among the incarcerated populations, and provide treatment for those whohave been diagnosed with substance use disorders. Specializing in both staff and inmateprogram implementation and development, Leslie uses that experience to impact theCorrectional system in Arizona by creating a positive culture for staff and inmates to interact in asafe, pro-social environment. Her experience, knowledge, and continual out-of-the-box thinking have garnered recognitionfor successfully being able to implement the first Residential Substance Abuse TherapeuticCommunity in ADCRR. A second Therapeutic Community was established and opened its doorsin April 2023. Leslie may spend her days filled with professional obligations, but the mostenjoyable experience of her daily work routine is getting to see the positive change that herleadership skills bring to a correctional setting with both staff and inmates.Leslie is an avid traveler and loves spending time with her beautiful wife making new memorieslike skydiving over Jamestown, Virginia. National Fraternal Order of PoliceCOURSE INSTRUCTORS
National Fraternal Order of PoliceCOURSE INSTRUCTORS Jacqueline Drew - PhD Dr. Jacqueline Drew is a police scholar with the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Griffith Criminology Institute, Griffith University, Australia. Dr Drew has over 20 years of experience in law enforcement, as a practitioner working in police agencies and as a researcher. She is a police psychologist and holds a PhD in organizational psychology. She previously undertook a Visiting Fellowship at the FBI NationalAcademy in Virginia and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Managers and Leaders. Dr Drewis an advisor to several Australian law enforcement agencies on issues related to physical andmental health of police. Dr Drew provides expert advice to law enforcement on organizationalsystems and personnel practices, particularly in the areas of police mental health and suicide,leadership, promotion systems and women and policing. Dr Drew teaches academic coursesand in-service training programs within police agencies and police academies. Dr Drew worksacross Australia with state police organizations and internationally with law enforcement in theUnited States. Adam Crawford – Succession Planning Committee Chairman Adam has been an active police officer for 15 years and an FOP member throughout his career. He is currently the State Vice President for West Virginia and Chairman of the National Succession Planning and Mentoring Committee.
Michael Essig – State President (NY) Michael Essig has spent his entire adult life in service to his community, his country, and the law enforcement profession. A thirty-three-year law enforcement career saw him rise through the ranks, in several agencies, from officer to Commissioner. Along the way, he brought his deeply ingrained leadership style of transparency, integrity andinclusiveness to roles as varied as union delegate, instructor for development training andDeputy District Director of Homeland Security for his Congressional District.Not only did he protect and serve the public, but Michael has also dedicated himself toprotecting and serving the members of the law enforcement profession. He is past president ofthe NYS FOP Foundation where he became well versed in nonprofit law and accounting.Michael is often called upon to teach others how to run a successful charity and raise funds.That experience has been invaluable to him in his role as chair of the Ways and MeansCommittee of the National Fraternal Order of Police Foundation. He currently serves as thePresident of the NYS Fraternal Order of Police and is responsible for the day-to-day operations ofthis eighteen-thousand-member organization. In January 2022 he was humbled to be electedto Chair the FOP Labor Coalition by his peers from around the nation. Additionally, he is proudof his elected official experience as a Former Town Councilman.Michael strongly believes in giving back and is committed to several nonprofits. As a boardmember, he is especially active in Easterseals, a nationwide organization dedicated to helpingthe disabled, and the Three Strohm Sisters Foundation, an internationally recognized charitydedicated to cancer research. Also starting up outreach programs with law enforcement givingback to communities during the holiday seasons from turkey drives during Thanksgiving or toydrives during the holiday season for children with special needs and their families. Robert Gaddy – Diversity Committee Chairman With over 25 years of law enforcement experience, Robert is a career veteran and a Captain of the North Carolina University PD. With expert skills in Tactical Law Enforcement, Drug Interdiction, and Narcotics and Criminal Investigations, Robert continues to be highly competitive, passionate, persuasive, and articulate. He can achieve results others believed to be impossible. National Fraternal Order of PoliceCOURSE INSTRUCTORS
Joe Gamaldi – NFOP Vice President FOP National Vice President Joe Gamaldi was born and raised on Long Island, NY. Following high school he attended the University of Hartford, where he earned a degree in Criminal Justice, with minors in Political Science and Sociology. After graduation, Joe was hired by the NYPD in 2005 where he worked as an officer for approximately three years. He thentransferred to the Houston Police Department in 2008, where he is currently an active Sergeant.Shortly after graduation from the academy, he completed his Master’s Degree from Long IslandUniversity in Homeland Security Management. Joe then went on to serve as a Board Member ofthe Houston Police Officers’ Union (HPOU) FOP Lodge 110 before being elected the SecondVice President, serving in that capacity for five years before being elected President of theHPOU, where he served for three years. Joe was elected National Vice President of the FraternalOrder of Police in August of 2019 in New Orleans.Within the National FOP Joe led the committee which developed the first National FOP mobileapp, free to all members. He also assists running the social media platforms for the National FOPand with media relations/responses. Steve Gervasio - NFOP Healthcare Liaison Steve Gervasio has been a labor activist, leveraging early-stage capital and corporate relationships in the printing, building material, finance, and healthcare industries to improve the lives of union members for over 33 years. Steve is currently working with the National FOP to bring affordable Pre-65 and Post-65 retiree health insurance to the members and promotethe benefits of the new NFOP Health and Welfare Trust Fund.Steve received a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Management (MIS) fromRhode Island College in 1982. Steve has held senior positions at HGK Asset Management,Labor First LLC, E-Crete LLC, and TruStone America.COURSE INSTRUCTORSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Courtney Gottschalk – AZ Dept. of Corrections Rehabilitation & Reentry Courtney Gottschalk has worked for the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry (ADCRR for over 17 years. As the Quality Assurance Coordinator for Education, Programs and Reentry, she is responsible for delivering, implementing and evaluating quality, evidence-based programs to the incarcerated population. She believes the human services model is a critical piece to Corrections and applies thisphilosophy as she assists the population she serves towards genuine, sustainable behaviorchange. In addition to working with the incarcerated, Courtney is the state Coordinator for theagency’s Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) and leads staff training in the areas ofCognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, EPICS, Criminal Thinking and PurposeDriven Work.When Courtney isn’t working, she enjoys spending time with her family and watching theDallas Cowboys. Jimmy Holderfield – NFOP Secretary Secretary Holderfield spent over 35 years in law enforcement, retiring as part of the command staff with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Florida. He has over 40 years leadership service in the FOP serving as local and state presidents and on the National Board. He is a labor negotiator, pension advisor, credit union official, Foundation Trustee, and administrator. Robert Krone – NFOP Staff Accountant Bob spent 40 years in public accounting as a CPA, the last 30 of which had an emphasis in not-for-profit auditing and tax work. Upon retiring from public practice in 2017, he was hired by the National FOP to assist small local lodges in complying with all Federal tax filing requirements. He is also an annual instructor at the National FOP Leadership Matters seminar.National Fraternal Order of PoliceCOURSE INSTRUCTORS
Sherri Martin – NFOP Director of Officer Wellness Sherri Martin serves as NFOP Director of Wellness Services. A career police officer, Sherri achieved the rank of Lieutenant at the Charleston (SC) Police Department. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of North Carolina, a Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling Psychology from the Citadel, and a Postgraduate Certificate in ForensicPsychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Sherri is experienced in clinical therapyand is a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate in the State of Connecticut. Roger Mayberry – NFOP Director of Labor Services Roger is a retired Lieutenant of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. He is a labor leader with 27 years with the FOP and over 30 years total labor experience. Roger has human resources experience and a working knowledge of employee benefits, medical, retirement, etc. He understands collective bargaining agreements interpretation of intent, spirit and terms of contract. Andy Maybo – Memorial Committee Andy Maybo has been a police officer with the US CApitol POlice for over 24 years, where he is currently assigned to K9. Andy started with the National FOP Memorial Committee in 2005. He has dedicated countless hours to ensuring the surviving families of the Nations fallen officers are properly honored and was recently appointed to the National LawEnforcement Memorial Names Committee, which approves all names to be inscribed on theNational Law Enforcement Memorial.COURSE INSTRUCTORSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Mark Nelson – Legislative Committee Chairman, State President (OK) Mark has 23 years of law enforcement experience with the Oklahoma City PD. He was elected President of the Oklahoma State FOP in 2020 and also serves as the Oklahoma City FOP President. He developed a PAC for his state lodge and has been instrumental in developing relationships with. elected officials on the local, state and national level. Mark also serves asthe Chairman for the National Legislative Committee. Mike Powell – Labor Committee Chairman Mike is the Past President of IL Troopers Lodge 41. He retired from the IL State Police after 25 years and is currently serving as the Assistant Director of the IL FOP Labor Council. Rob Pride – NFOP Chairman of the Trustees Rob has been a member of the FOP since 1994 and has been in law enforcement for 30 years. He served as his local lodge President for six years and has been on the Colorado State FOP Board since 2008. He currently serves as the NFOP Chairman of the National Trustees after being elected at the 63rd Biennial Conference in 2017. Margaret Rizzo - Sassetti, LLC Margaret has over 25 years of experience serving and advising clients in areas of finance, accounting and ERP solutions. A double major graduate (B.S. Finance/B.A. Philosophy) from UIC, Margaret is a native Chicagoan. Prior to joining Sassetti, Margaret helped small business owners implement improved workflows and financial forecasting. Her experienceranges from traditional finance and accounting skill sets to more strategic consulting servicesthat include utilizing technology to bridge departments and improve workflows.COURSE INSTRUCTORSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Sassetti, LLC – Izabela Poludniak & Jim Robbs (Partner/Partner) Sassetti LLC has been working with the NFOP for more than 20 years and provides audit, tax, and advisory services to the NFOP, the NFOP Foundation, and the NFOP Legal Plan, as well as various state and local lodges across the United States. Jim and Izabela are both DePaul University graduates and collectively have decades of experience in audit, tax, and client accounting and advisory services. They spend much of their time advising non-profit organizations on accounting, tax, and internal control best practices. Stephen Schulz – State President (CO) Stephen Schulz has been the State President of Colorado for the past nine years and was the Vice President and 2nd VP for two years each prior. He has been the local lodge President in Longmont, Colorado since 2006. He is on the National Succession and Planning Committee, Labor Committee, and Anti-Narcotics Committee. Rich Shailor – Recruitment Committee Chairman Sergeant Shailor (ret.) is a 30 year veteran of Massachusetts Law Enforcement. During his career he served in most aspects of the profession including patrol, detectives, prosecution, administration and crisis negotiation. He has been deeply involved with the FOP throughout his career and currently serves as the Massachusetts State Lodge VicePresident and National Trustee. He has served on the National Labor Committee and theNational Recruitment Committee which he now chairs. COURSE INSTRUCTORSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Jack Simington – Program Development Committee Chairman Jack is a 26-year FOP member and the first Washington State President. He served four terms as State President before stepping down to serve as National Trustee for WA State. He is the current chairman of the Program Development Committee. James Smallwood – NFOP Treasurer James Smallwood was elected FOP National Treasurer in 2021. James also serves as the President of the Nashville FOP, Andrew Jackson Lodge #5. He has served in this role since July of 2016. As President, he has worked to negotiate for better pay, benefits and working conditions for the officers that work for the MetropolitanNashville Police Department, implemented new policies and procedures to advance theefficiency of the organization and successfully managed multiple not-for-profit entities.James has served with the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) for 11 years.Starting in 2010, James served as a patrol officer for three years before advancing to thedepartment’s flex unit. He served with the flex unit for approximately one year beforeadvancing to the department’s criminal investigations unit where he served as a detective forapproximately one year. He then moved to the department’s strategic development division, aunit responsible for development of departmental policy, compliance with the standards setforth by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and variousother tasks as assigned by the office of the Chief of Police. James served in this role for oneyear before being promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Upon his promotion, he returned to thedepartment’s patrol division where he served as a district sergeant in the east precinct.While assigned to these various roles, James has also served as a Volunteer Chaplain and peersupporter in the department’s wellness unit, as well as an adjunct instructor with the MNPDtraining academy for traffic stop and reality-based training. James has also served on PresidentDonald J. Trump’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice as aCommissioner as well as Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s 2020 Law Enforcement Task Force asa Commissioner.COURSE INSTRUCTORSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Jason Smith – DART Committee Chairman Jason has served over 25 years as a peace officer. Jason has served on his local and State Executive Boards in multiple positions, including State President. Jason has served on the State of Oklahoma DART team since 2008 and has served on the National DART team as the chairman since its conception in 2019. Rick Snyder – NFOP Chaplain Rick Snyder serves as Chaplain for the National Fraternal Order of Police. He was appointed by President Patrick Yoes and has served since August 2021, providing spiritual support for over 373,000 members across America. Rick is a certified Law Enforcement Chaplain with a focus on Sharing Hope in Crisis (SHIC) and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM).He has provided services for the FOP National Law Enforcement Memorial, assisted withConcerns of Police Survivors (COPS), and has presented at the Cove Training Center for theBilly Graham Rapid Response Team.Rick Snyder serves as Chaplain for the National Fraternal Order of Police. He was appointed byPresident Patrick Yoes and has served since August 2021, providing spiritual support for over373,000 members across America. Rick is a certified Law Enforcement Chaplain with a focuson Sharing Hope in Crisis (SHIC) and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). He hasprovided services for the FOP National Law Enforcement Memorial, assisted with Concerns ofPolice Survivors (COPS), and has presented at the Cove Training Center for the Billy GrahamRapid Response Team.Rick also serves as the President of FOP Indianapolis Lodge #86. In his elected capacity herepresents more than 3,000 active/retired officers and their families from 10 different lawenforcement agencies in Central Indiana. Rick has 25 years of law enforcement experienceand has served and supervised in Patrol Operations, Criminal Investigations, Administrationand Training. Rick received his MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University where he received tophonors as the Outstanding Professional Award recipient. His graduate work also includes aCertificate in Public Management from Indiana University.COURSE INSTRUCTORSNational Fraternal Order of Police
Patrick Yoes – NFOP President Patrick Yoes has dedicated his life to the service of others. He has been an active member in the FOP since 1984. Over his career, Patrick has served on commissions and charitable and community service boards. He is a strong law enforcement advocate. He has held leadership positions on his local, state and National FOP boards.With nearly 36 years as an active law enforcement officer, Patrick retired in 2020 from the St.Charles Sheriff's Office in Louisiana. Patrick had oversight of the department’s Special ServicesDivision responsible for a number of community outreach programs. He also served as theagency’s Public Information Officer.During his career with the agency, Patrick worked as a patrol deputy, patrol sergeant, schoolresource officer, and detective in the criminal investigation division, becoming commander ofthe Special Services Division.Since joining the St. Charles (LA) local lodge #15 in 1984, he has held nearly every electedposition, including eight terms as Lodge President. Patrick is also active on the state level,having served on the Louisiana State Lodge Executive Board for more than 22 years, ten asPresident. He is presently serving as Immediate Past President.In 2003, Patrick was elected National Sergeant-at-Arms; he was then elected NationalSecretary in 2004 and passionately served for 14 years before being elected President in 2019. As President, it is Patrick's mission to lead the Order in these changing times and findingsolutions to the real issues facing our profession and our members. Michael Yon – Senior Vice President, Nashville Office, Hylant Group Michael has worked closely with the FOP Legal Plan for over 20 years. He leads the team of enrollment and marketing administrators at Hylant. His experience and knowledge of the plan bring some great insight and information as it pertains to the legal plan and its benefits.COURSE INSTRUCTORSNational Fraternal Order of Police
LOCAL RESTAURANTSBar-B-Cutie - 501 Donleson PikeCaliber Coffee Co. - 2513 Lebanon PikeDarfons Restaurant & Bar - 2810 Elm Hill PikeEdley’s Bar-B-Que - 2719 Lebanon PikeHomegrown Taproom & Kitchen - 2720 Old Lebanon RoadJalisco Mexican Restaurant - 519 Donelson Pike ,Suite 111La Parilla Fresh Mexican - 2615 Elm Hill PikeLatitude 36 Kitchen & Bar - 2200 Elm Hill PikeMcNamara's Irish Pub - 2740 Old Lebanon RoadNectar Urban Cantina - 206 McGavock PikeParty Fowl - 2620 Lebanon PikePhat Bites - 2730 Lebanon PikeShoney's - 546 Donelson PikeSunflower Bakehouse - 2414 Lebanon PikeUncle Bud's Catfish - 2719 Old Lebanon RoadNational Fraternal Order of Police