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Wellness Professionals Forum 2024

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PROFESSIONALSFORUM@GL F O P@FOP N A T I O N A LNA TI ON AL F R A T E R N A L O R D E R O F P O L I C EFebruary 18, 2024 | Nashville, TNThe NFOP Division of Wellness Services Presents:2024 WELLNESS

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The FOP Wellness Professionals Forum brings together professionals workingprimarily in the mental health and wellness fields for a day of learning andnetworking. Presented by the NFOP Division of Wellness Services, this Forum willinclude an introduction to FOP wellness initiatives, seminar instruction in workingwith law enforcement in the wellness arena, and a networking event for attendees.Who Should AttendLicensed professional counselors, psychologists, or other professional mentalhealth clinicians currently treating law enforcement or first responder clients. Wealso welcome professional clinicians interested in learning more about successfullyworking with law enforcement clients.Attendees of the Forum have the opportunity to also attend the 2024 WellnessSummit at a reduced rate. This is an excellent opportunity for wellnessprofessionals to get firsthand experience networking with active and retired lawenforcement.Wellness Professionals Forum has been approved by National Board of CertifiedCounselors for NBCC credit. Sessions approved for NBCC credit are clearlyidentified. National Fraternal Order of Police is solely responsible for all aspects ofthe program. NBCC Approval No. SP-4459.For more information contact: Stephanie Simpson at, or Sherri Martin at sherrimartin@fop.netSEMINAR INFORMATION:When: Where:February 18, 2024 Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TNRegistration Fee: $165 | Professionals Forum only$125 | If also registering for the Wellness SummitRegistration Deadline - February 1, 2024National Fraternal Order of Police

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Attendee Information: Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: __________________ Zip: ____________________ Phone: __________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Method of Payment: (please select one) *Please note: A convenience fee of 3% will be added by the card processing company to all credit card transactions. No partof this fee goes to the National Fraternal Order of Police. Check Amex Discover Mastercard Visa Card Type: Debit Credit Name on Card: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit Card #: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ___________________________________ Security Code: __________________________________________ Billing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________ State: _______________________ Zip: _____________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Enclosed: $ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Send Registrations To: (Registrations can be sent in by mail or email. Registration confirmation will be emailed upon receipt of this form and payment.) National Fraternal Order of Police Attention: Stephanie Simpson 701 Marriott Drive, Nashville, TN 37214 Phone: 800-451-2711 | Email: Wellness Professionals Forum has been approved by National Board of Certified Counselors for NBCC credit. Sessions approved for NBCC credit are clearly identified. National Fraternal Order of Police is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. NBCC Approval No. SP-4459.Date: February 18, 2024 Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Location: Sheraton Music City 777 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN 37214 | Phone: 615-885-2200 Registration Fee: $165 per person (Professionals Forum only) $125 per person (If also registering for the Wellness Summit) Registration Deadline: February 1, 2024. Select One: Professionals Forum only Professionals Forum & Wellness Summit *Please note: This form and fee are for the Professionals Forum only. A separate registration form must be completed, andregistration fee paid for the Wellness Summit.2024 Wellness Professionals Forum Registration Form

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Group Room Rate: $155 + Tax Deadline for booking rooms at the group rate is January 17, 2024.Parking: Self parking is $10 per day. Day parking for attendees not staying at the hotel is $10 per day.The hotel does provide shuttle service to and from the airport.You must register for the seminar first. After your registration formand payment have been received, you will receive an emailconfirmation from the National Office with a link for making hotelreservations online. The hotel prefers that all reservations be madethrough this link.The room block will fill up quickly and rooms are first-come, first-served.HOTEL INFORMATION:Sheraton Music City777 McGavock PikeNashville, TN 37214National Fraternal Order of Police

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MEETING SPACE FLOOR PLANWellness Professionals Forum will be held in Hermitage Ballroom DLunch will be served in the McGavock BallroomHospitality will be held in Belle MeadeBlue Family Networking (Alcohol Free) will be held in OaklandsNational Fraternal Order of PoliceHospitalityForum Meeting SpaceLunchBlue FamilyNetworking

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National Fraternal Order of PoliceVENDOR TABLESPeerSupportFirstNetBuilt withAT&TMindbaseCreativePlanningBanyanTreatmentCentersVA Office ofMentalHealth andSuicidePreventionLakeviewHealthHarbor ofGraceTransformationsTreatment CenterLighthouseHealth &WellnessLexipolHealthcareTrustFirstResponderWellnessChateauHealth &WellnessCRI-TACWarriorsHeartVendorVendorVendorCopLineFHEHealthWA StateTrust

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AGENDASunday, February 188:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Check In (Hermitage Lobby)8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Welcome & Introduction of FOP Wellness Initiatives (Hermitage D) Sherri Martin, MA, LPCA, NFOP Director of Wellness Services9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Break9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Supporting Black Officers in Your Agency: Cultural Considerations for Psychological Wellness Programming** (Hermitage D) Carla Sutton Moore, PhD, LPC10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Break11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Repatterning the First Responder Nervous System without Tripping the “Woo Woo” Alarm** (Hermitage D) Stephanie M. Conn, PhD, ABPP 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch (McGavock Ballroom)1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Ethical Dilemmas in Police & Public Safety Psychology** (Hermitage D) Thomas Coghlan, PsyD2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Break3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Current Trends in Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluations** (Hermitage D) Lewis Z. Schlosser, PhD, ABPP4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Burnout in Law Enforcement: Definition, Causes, Prevalence, Prevention & Intervention - Facilitated Discussion (Hermitage D) C. Gabrielle Salfati, PhD**Designates those seminars approved for NBCC credit.National Fraternal Order of Police

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2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM PRESENTATIONSSupporting Black Officers in Your Agency: Cultural Considerations for Psychological WellnessProgramming** (Carla Sutton Moore, PhD, LPC)Due to the myriad of stressors to which officers today are exposed, Black officers experience someunique challenges involving race and ethnicity that could lead to the rise of intrapersonal conflict.To help promote a psychologically safe work environment, wellness, and demonstrate a readinessto turn toward matters that impact officers of color, it is important for agencies and clinicians to beaware of the potential dilemma and take steps to help create a climate that provides Black officerswith ample support.Learning objectives: Discuss diversity in law enforcement, history and recent trends. Address challenges faced by Black officers. Discuss agencies’ cultural considerations from hiring to retention. Identify and discuss considerations and modifications to psychological and behavioral health programming. Discuss future considerations.Repatterning the First Responder Nervous System without Tripping the “Woo Woo” Alarm**(Stephanie Conn, PhD, ABPP)In this presentation, Dr. Conn will talk about how clinicians can assist first responder clients tocounteract the nervous system conditioning that occurs with constant exposure to stress andtrauma. Activities include breathing, imagery, self-talk for enhanced performance, and the use oftechnology to improve bodily awareness. These activities are designed to offset the difficulty withbeing still and focused, trouble with onset and maintenance of sleep, and hypervigilance. Moreimportantly, Dr. Conn will offer recommendations for how to introduce these activities usinglanguage that increases the likelihood that the first responder will be open to trying them and morecommitted to the repatterning treatment plan.Learning objectives: Attendees will be able to list relevant interventions for assisting first responders to train their nervous systems for optimal performance and wellness. Attendees will be able to use language that increases the likelihood that first responders will be open to and motivated to use the recommended practices. Attendees will be able to identify technology that assists in demonstrating the effect of the intervention as well as monitoring improvements.**Designates those seminars approved for NBCC credit.National Fraternal Order of Police

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2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM PRESENTATIONSEthical Dilemmas in Police and Public Safety Psychology** (Thomas Coghlan, PsyD)A number of case vignettes or scenarios specific to the nexus of law enforcement and mentalhealth will be presented by a psychologist in independent practice specialized in treating lawenforcement and other public safety personnel in individual psychotherapy. Each vignette orscenario will present an ethical dilemma. The APA Ethical Code will be reviewed where relevant toeach ethical dilemma. Discussion will follow each presented dilemma to troubleshoot and talk outthe dilemma and various potential responses.Learning objectives: Understand the importance of ethical standards in mental health in general, as well as specific to working with law enforcement clients. Learn at least 3 specific elements of the APA Ethical Code and their application to real-world ethical dilemmas in independent practice. Learn resources through which ethical consultations can be made to resolve ethical dilemmas.Current Trends in Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluations** (Lewis Z. Schlosser, PhD, ABPP)Psychological Fitness for Duty Evaluations (hereafter FFDE) are a complex and powerful, yet oftenmisunderstood, assessment tool within police psychology. Many officers enter the FFDE assumingthe worst – that they will leave the evaluation no longer employed by their agency. The presenterwill offer a novel approach to FFDE, situating the FFDE as a vital component of a comprehensiveofficer wellness program for law enforcement agencies. Normalizing the FFDE is part of the largereffort that is currently underway to break the stigma surrounding mental health treatment amongpolice officers. Instead of thinking about the FFDE as the career-ender, the FFDE should be seen asa means for saving careers and saving lives. Then, the presenter will offer data from two studies onFFDE – one with N of almost 500 and another with an N of nearly 150 – highlighting similarities anddifferences across the two data sets and how the data can help inform wellness initiatives in policeand public safety agencies.Learning objectives: Participants will be able to identify at least two specific aspects of the novel approach to FFDE offered. Participants will be able to identify the most common reasons that police officers are referred for FFDE. Participants will be able to identify the most common outcomes for police officers referred for FFDE.**Designates those seminars approved for NBCC credit.National Fraternal Order of Police

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2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM PRESENTATIONSBurnout in Law Enforcement: Definition, Causes, Prevalence, Prevention & Intervention –Facilitated Discussion (C. Gabrielle Salfati, PhD)Burnout is the mental or physical collapse caused by long-term chronic stress or doing work thatno longer feels connected to your life’s purpose. It can be debilitating mentally and emotionallyand can flow over into the rest of your life outside of work, as well as affect your physical health.Burnout is a growing concern in law enforcement, leading more officers to be impacted by thephysical & mental effects of burnout, disengage, & prematurely leave the force than ever before. InMay 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) added Burnout to International Classification ofDiseases Handbook, where they describe it as an “occupational phenomenon”, not a medicalcondition, that results from unmanaged workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.It is characterized by three dimensions; feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increasedmental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; andreduced professional efficacy. The current talk outlines a comprehensive review of burnout in lawenforcement, discussing the causes, the impact, and what we know from the research in terms ofprevention and intervention. The talk discusses how a more comprehensive understanding ofburnout in law enforcement will allow for a more evidence-based approach to putting in placeresilience programs that specifically targets burnout.Learning Objectives: Understand the causes and effects of burnout in law enforcement. Obtain a comprehensive overview of what has been done in burnout research as it pertains to law enforcement. Understand the link between burnout and prevention and intervention. Provide an opportunity for practitioners to review their current knowledge and practice, and identify the areas key for their own service delivery.**Designates those seminars approved for NBCC credit.National Fraternal Order of Police

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National Fraternal Order of Police2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM INSTRUCTORS Thomas Coghlan, PsyD Burnout is the mental or physical collapse caused by long-term chronic stress or doing work that no longer feels connected to your life’s purpose. It can be debilitating mentally and emotionally and can flow over into the rest of your life outside of work, as well as affect your physical health. Burnout is a growing concern in law enforcement, leading more officers to be impacted by the physical & mental effects of burnout, disengage, & prematurely leave the force than ever before.In May 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) added Burnout to International Classification ofDiseases Handbook, where they describe it as an “occupational phenomenon”, not a medicalcondition, that results from unmanaged workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.It is characterized by three dimensions; feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increasedmental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; andreduced professional efficacy. The current talk outlines a comprehensive review of burnout in lawenforcement, discussing the causes, the impact, and what we know from the research in terms ofprevention and intervention. The talk discusses how a more comprehensive understanding ofburnout in law enforcement will allow for a more evidence-based approach to putting in placeresilience programs that specifically targets burnout.

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National Fraternal Order of Police Stephanie Conn, PhD, ABPP, Board Certified in Police and Public Safety Psychology Licensed Psychologist, First Responder Psychology PhD in Counseling Psychology, University of British Columbia 2015 Dr. Stephanie Conn is a former police officer, as well as the daughter and wife of police officers, and currently works as a Licensed Psychologist in private practice, specializing in police stress, trauma,work-life balance, coping, and resilience. She has 26 years of experience working in the firstresponder field. She works with multiple police, fire, and emergency communication agencies. Shebegan as a dispatcher/call-taker before becoming an officer with the Fort Worth Police Departmentand then earning her doctorate in Counseling Psychology. Dr. Conn consults nationally on bestpractices for peer support and clinician cultural competency. She has presented widely to firstresponders, sharing wisdom gained from her police experience, her research, and her therapypractice. She is the author of Increasing Resilience in Police and Emergency Personnel. Dr. Conn isan approved ICISF instructor for Group Crisis Intervention and Assisting Individuals in Crisis. Sheroutinely instructs peer teams on the fundamentals of peer support, based on almost 20 years ofworking with/as a peer support team member and what she has learned from the feedback ofclients who have received peer support services (or didn’t but needed them).2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM INSTRUCTORS

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National Fraternal Order of Police2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM INSTRUCTORS Carla Sutton Moore, PhD, LPC Dr. Carla Sutton Moore graduated from the College of Charleston with a B.S. in Psychology in 1997. She earned a M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Clark Atlanta University; an Ed.S. at Georgia State University specializing in Professional Counseling; and a PhD in Counseling Psychology at the University of Georgia. During her graduate studies, she was also a professional cheerleader for the Georgia Force and the Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders. Dr. Moore is dually licensed as a Psychologist and Licensed Professional Counselor. She hasworked in mental health for over 25 years in several settings, including a juvenile court mentalhealth clinic, residential treatment facility, managed care, private practice, local church settings andcity government. She has worked with law enforcement officers and firefighter/EMTs for over 18years, providing wellness programming, trainings, crisis intervention/critical incident responses,trauma groups and individual counseling; and providing consultation to executive command staff.Currently, Dr. Moore is the Founder and Director of Moore to Life Counseling and Consulting, LLC.She also currently enjoys her work as the Chief Psychologist for the City of Atlanta Public SafetyDivision Behavioral Health Wellness Unit. Dr. Moore also consults with other Atlanta metropolitanagencies regarding prevention, resilience, and mental health wellness for first responders. She isthe Education Chair of the IACP Police Psychology Section, an active member of the NOBLEWellness Committee, and past Secretary-Treasurer of APA Division 18- Police and Public SafetySection. She is a Board member of the Georgia Psychological Foundation, and Co-Chair of theMental Health Support for First Responders Initiative. She is also on the Advisory Board of the FireService Psychology Association. Dr. Moore has conducted research and presented at severalconferences attended by members of IACP and IAFC on issues specific to mental health andwellness for law enforcement and firefighters.Dr. Moore is married and has two children. She enjoys traveling, exercising, singing, dancing, andtrying new foods. Her strong faith, and her connection with family and community keeps hergrounded and resilient.

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C. Gabrielle Salfati, PhD Dr Salfati is a Professor of Psychology and the Director of the Investigative Psychology Research Unit at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Her almost 30 year career to date has been focused on serving the law enforcement and mental health practitioner community, developing evidenced-based best practice through front- line research, and applying the latest scientific research to developing key tools for use in practice, and translating research into applicationand practitioner-focused training. Her work in Investigative Psychology, where she was instrumental in its development as aninternational research field focusing on the application of psychology to behavioral analysis, hasbeen done in collaboration with law enforcement and health agencies internationally, and she haspresented and published widely and internationally on her work, and delivers training to numerouscriminal justice agencies, including police forces internationally, and the US military. She haspublished extensively in the area of behavioral analysis and is the recipient of numerous researchawards, including Outstanding Contribution to the Field awarded by the International Associationof Investigative Psychology. Her work in the field of Positive Psychology focuses on the development of resilience training andburnout prevention for first responders, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and manyother groups. She has delivered resilience training to numerous national and internationalorganizations, and leads state and local level research programs in collaboration with lawenforcement in the area of resilience and wellness with law enforcement and criminal justiceagencies.She has developed and spearheaded initiatives to prioritize best practice in translation of scientificevidence to be applicable in practice through the development of practitioner-focused training,and trains law enforcement, crime analysts, the military police, forensic psychologists and othercriminal justice and mental health professionals internationally.National Fraternal Order of Police2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM INSTRUCTORS

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Lewis Z. Schlosser, PhD, ABPP Lewis Z. Schlosser, PhD, ABPP, is the managing partner at the Institute for Forensic Psychology, which is a police and public safety focused specialty practice currently serving agencies in New Jersey, New York, Maine, and Virginia. Dr. Schlosser is a licensed psychologist in New York (#16482), New Jersey (#4822), Maine (#PS2163), Pennsylvania (#PS019274), Delaware (#B1-0011317), and Virginia (#0810007822). He is Board Certified in Police and Public Safety Psychology (#8539)and Counseling Psychology (#6558) by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is aformer tenured Associate Professor at Seton Hall University and former in-house Director ofPsychological Services for the New York City Correction Department. Dr. Schlosser has conductedover 15,000 law enforcement psychological evaluations, including pre-employment, promotional,and fitness for duty evaluations. He provides training to police personnel on a variety of topicsrelated to officer mental health, with special expertise in fitness for duty and officer wellness. Dr. Schlosser is a member and past Chair of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, PolicePsychological Services Section. He is also an Auxiliary Member of the National Sheriff’s Association(NSA) and a Member of the NSA Psychological Services Group. Dr. Schlosser is an affiliate memberof the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) and the Bergen County PoliceChief's Association. He currently serves as the Chief Psychologist for the NJSACOP. Dr. Schlosser isa member of the New Jersey Police Surgeons and he is a Fellow of the American PsychologicalAssociation. Dr. Schlosser earned his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, his Master’s degree in RehabilitationCounseling, and his PhD in Counseling Psychology, all from the University of Maryland at CollegePark.National Fraternal Order of Police2024 WELLNESS PROFESSIONALSFORUM INSTRUCTORS

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LOCAL RESTAURANTSBar-B-Cutie - 501 Donleson PikeCaliber Coffee Co. - 2513 Lebanon PikeDarfons Restaurant & Bar - 2810 Elm Hill PikeEdley’s Bar-B-Que - 2719 Lebanon PikeHomegrown Taproom & Kitchen - 2720 Old Lebanon RoadJalisco Mexican Restaurant - 519 Donelson Pike ,Suite 111La Parilla Fresh Mexican - 2615 Elm Hill PikeLatitude 36 Kitchen & Bar - 2200 Elm Hill PikeMcNamara's Irish Pub - 2740 Old Lebanon RoadNectar Urban Cantina - 206 McGavock PikeParty Fowl - 2620 Lebanon PikePhat Bites - 2730 Lebanon PikeShoney's - 546 Donelson PikeSunflower Bakehouse - 2414 Lebanon PikeUncle Bud's Catfish - 2719 Old Lebanon RoadNational Fraternal Order of Police