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About FOP Labor Services
The FOP Labor Services Division provides
a comprehensive set of resources and services designed
to ensure that no officer goes to the bargaining table
alone. In addition, we provide assistance to your lodge to
obtain the right to become your bargaining agent or to
try to influence the public officials who determine your
hours, wages, terms and other conditions of employment.
Whether your department requires contract
information, experienced legal experts, training seminars
or personalized labor research, the Labor Services Division
stands ready to provide you with the people and
resources you need.
The FOP is the largest professional police labor
organization in the country. We know that no one can
represent an officer as well as a fellow officer. FOP
members have worked through thousands of labor
situations. The Labor Services Office has access to the
collective knowledge of more than 351,000 law
enforcement professionals.
The Labor Services Division is staffed by full-time
professionals who provide highly skilled support services
on behalf of the Grand Lodge to state and local lodges
in the area of labor relations. Our staff includes
experienced veterans in the field of Law Enforcement
employment relations.
About FOP Labor Services
These representatives are available to
travel extensively throughout the country to assist member
lodges. In addition, the Labor Services staff is available to
answer members' questions and to provide information
and/or advice. The Labor Services Division is the hub for
FOP labor information.
We are frequently asked, "What labor services are
available to assist our members?" A sample of our labor
services include:
Dispelling the myth that right to work states cannot
Helping form bargaining organizations that can
provide the expertise needed to bargain
Training leaders to represent members in
disciplinary matters
Working with lodges to determine how they can
better represent the interests of their members
outside the framework of a formal collective
bargaining agreement
Developing training programs for lodge negotiators
Providing expert advice and guidance during the
negotiation process
Providing expert advice and guidance during the
contract administration process
About FOP Labor Services
Assisting lodges to gain the right to bargain
Additional services are available.
In addition to the above services, Labor Services
travels to local and state lodges to develop and conduct
classes specific to your membership's needs. These classes
will be tailored with your local and state laws in mind.
The Labor Services Division can provide access to
current information on labor issues, contracts, arbitrations,
and negotiations. This information is essential for collective
bargaining and discussions on hours, wages, terms, and
other conditions of employment. This system makes lodges
and other labor entities dramatically more effective at
improving the quality of life of our members.
The Labor Services Division can also assist with the
creation of custom compensation, demographic, and
contract language reports.
FOP Labor Services
701 Marriott Dr.
Nashville, TN 37214
(615) 399-0900 or
(800) 451-2711
Voice of Law Enforcement
Fraternal Order of Police
provides a comprehensive set of resources
and services designed to ensure that our
members are never left alone when dealing with
their labor issues.
We can offer assistance to your lodge to obtain
the right to become your bargaining agent or to
try to influence the public officials who
determine your hours, wages, terms and other
conditions of employment.
The FOP is the largest professional police labor
organization in the country.
We know that no one can represent an officer
as well as a fellow officer. FOP members have
worked through thousands of labor situations.
The Labor Services Office has access to the
collective knowledge of more than 370,000 law
enforcement professionals.
FOP Labor Services
The Fraternal Order of Police
was founded in 1915 to fight for the
salaries and benefits of police officers.
With over a century of experience
and exclusive representation of law
enforcement officers, the National
Fraternal Order of Police Labor Services
Division provides the most
comprehensive services available to
ensure that no officer goes to the
bargaining table alone.
The FOP is the nation's largest and
most successful law enforcement
union. No one has more experience or
negotiates more police labor contracts
than the FOP.
No one has a deeper understanding
or appreciation for the issues that are
faced on the job and at the bargaining
table. The FOP has worked through
thousands of labor situations.
The Labor Services Division is staffed
by full-time professionals who provide
highly skilled services to FOP members.
Our staff includes experienced
veterans in the field of Law
Enforcement employment relations.
These representatives are available
to travel extensively throughout the
country to assist members, answer
members’ questions, and to provide
information and advice.
Contract Administration
Contract Negotiations
Legal Defense
Local and State Political
Action Support
Obtain Right to Collectively
Other labor services
Labor Services Division stands
ready to provide you with the
resources you need.
FOP members have worked
through thousands of labor
situations. The Labor Services
Division has access to the
collective knowledge of more
than 370,000 law enforcement