Upon the completion of the State Lodge’s process for evaluating the candidates for President, the National
Board of Trustees will consider the report of the Screening Committee at the Fall meeting of the National
Board of Trustees. A formal vote on the endorsement will be taken with each Trustee casting a single vote for
a candidate or for “no endorsement.” A candidate who receives a two-thirds majority of the National Board of
Trustees receives the endorsement of the National FOP.
Clarification and Delays Explained
This election is unique, as we had a clear indication of the presumptive candidates earlier than ever before,
followed by a sudden change in the Democratic candidate late in the process. This has caused delays in
receiving information for the endorsement process.
Our process began with presenting questionnaires to both President Biden and former President Trump.
These questionnaires were designed to gauge each candidate's stance on critical issues affecting law
enforcement and to understand their plans to support our profession. The Trump campaign completed the
questionnaire and scheduled a face-to-face interview, which took place on July 8, 2024.
We were actively working with the Biden campaign to complete the questionnaire and schedule the face-to-
face interview, which would have been completed weeks ago. However, the sudden change from President
Biden to Vice President Harris as the Democratic candidate caused numerous delays. We transmitted the
questionnaire to the Harris campaign and engaged in dialogue toward their submission and interview.
Following a discussion with the Harris campaign, the deadline was extended a final time for an additional five
days. We received their response on August 8th. We are sending these unedited questionnaires for your
consideration. To desseminate this information without further delays, we are doing so without the
completion of a face-to-face meeting with Vice President Harris. Efforts to arrange this meeting are
underway with an update to this electronic document possible.
Each state Lodge will direct their National Trustee to express the wishes of their state membership during a
roll call vote at the start of the National Fraternal Order of Police Fall Board Meeting in Charlotte, NC, on
September 6, 2024. Your input is vital in this process, and we are committed to ensuring that our
endorsement reflects the best interests of our members and our profession. When that decision is made—
and not before—that candidate will receive our full, active, and enthusiastic support.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the FOP. Together, we will make a significant impact
on the future of law enforcement.
Patrick Yoes, National President
National Fraternal Order of Police