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FOP Presidential Questionnaire 2024

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BROTHERS AND SISTERS, I want to emphasize the crucial importance of our organization making an endorsement in the upcomingpresidential election. The FOP’s endorsement is not just a symbol of our support, but a powerful statementabout the values and priorities we hold dear as the largest law enforcement organization in the nation. Equallyimportant, it is likely the only national group that allows its members to be part of the selection process.In this pivotal election, our endorsement can help shape the future of law enforcement in this country. It is achance to support leadership that understands and values the critical role we play in maintaining peace andorder. I urge all of you to stay informed, engaged, and united as we move forward in this important decision-making process. Together, we continue to make a significant impact on the future of our profession and thesafety of our communities. The evaluation of the candidates for President of the United States is the sole province of the NationalFraternal Order of Police because ONLY the National FOP can ensure that every member in every State andlocal lodge is assured the opportunity to participate in this process. This allows the National FOP to speakwith one voice and enhances the value of our endorsement.THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALNATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICEAUGUST 2024A MESSAGE FROM THENATIONAL PRESIDENTFOP Endorsement ProcessThe Presidential endorsement process of the NationalFOP was formalized by Resolutions adopted by themembership in August 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2001 atthe respective National Biennial Conferences. The mostrecent Standing Resolution of the National FOP providesthat the National President and Vice President appoint aU.S. Presidential Screening Committee.It is the responsibility of the Screening Committee towork with the National Legislative Office to devise aquestionnaire to submit to each “viable presidentialcandidate” and request a timely response from theircampaign. These responses will be made available to allmembers of the Fraternal Order of Police through stateleadership.In addition, the Screening Committee will work with theNational Legislative Office to devise follow-up questions,which will be put to the candidates directly at a face-to-face meeting with the Screening Committee. Followingthis interview, the Screening Committee will meet inexecutive session and draft a written report fordistribution to the membership.

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Upon the completion of the State Lodge’s process for evaluating the candidates for President, the NationalBoard of Trustees will consider the report of the Screening Committee at the Fall meeting of the NationalBoard of Trustees. A formal vote on the endorsement will be taken with each Trustee casting a single vote fora candidate or for “no endorsement.” A candidate who receives a two-thirds majority of the National Board ofTrustees receives the endorsement of the National FOP. Clarification and Delays ExplainedThis election is unique, as we had a clear indication of the presumptive candidates earlier than ever before,followed by a sudden change in the Democratic candidate late in the process. This has caused delays inreceiving information for the endorsement process. Our process began with presenting questionnaires to both President Biden and former President Trump.These questionnaires were designed to gauge each candidate's stance on critical issues affecting lawenforcement and to understand their plans to support our profession. The Trump campaign completed thequestionnaire and scheduled a face-to-face interview, which took place on July 8, 2024.We were actively working with the Biden campaign to complete the questionnaire and schedule the face-to-face interview, which would have been completed weeks ago. However, the sudden change from PresidentBiden to Vice President Harris as the Democratic candidate caused numerous delays. We transmitted thequestionnaire to the Harris campaign and engaged in dialogue toward their submission and interview.Following a discussion with the Harris campaign, the deadline was extended a final time for an additional fivedays. We received their response on August 8th. We are sending these unedited questionnaires for yourconsideration. To desseminate this information without further delays, we are doing so without thecompletion of a face-to-face meeting with Vice President Harris. Efforts to arrange this meeting areunderway with an update to this electronic document possible. Each state Lodge will direct their National Trustee to express the wishes of their state membership during aroll call vote at the start of the National Fraternal Order of Police Fall Board Meeting in Charlotte, NC, onSeptember 6, 2024. Your input is vital in this process, and we are committed to ensuring that ourendorsement reflects the best interests of our members and our profession. When that decision is made—and not before—that candidate will receive our full, active, and enthusiastic support. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the FOP. Together, we will make a significant impacton the future of law enforcement.THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALPatrick Yoes, National PresidentNational Fraternal Order of PoliceFraternally,NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE

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The following questionnaire, prepared by the National LegislativeOffice, is being provided to the Presidential Screening Committeeat the direction of National President Patrick Yoes.The following is a brief summation of the top legislative prioritiesof the National Fraternal Order of Police:2024 PRESIDENTIALCANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRETHE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALA MODEL QUESTIONNAIRE FOR USE BY STATE AND LOCAL LODGESSocial Security issues: Support H.R. 82/S. 597, the “Social SecurityFairness Act” and Oppose Mandatory Participation in Social SecurityThe FOP strongly supports the repeal of both the “Windfall Elimination Provision” (WEP) andthe “Government Pension Offset” (GPO). The FOP vehemently opposes legislation whichwould mandate participation in Social Security for public employees or new hires who arecurrently outside the Social Security system.Support H.R. 1322/S. 1658, the “Law Enforcement Officers’ EquityAct”The FOP strongly supports legislation expanding the definition of “law enforcement officer”for salary and retirement benefits to include all Federal law enforcement officers.Support H.R. 3539, the “Public Safety Employer-Employee CooperationAct”The FOP strongly supports legislation which would guarantee the right of public employeesto bargain collectively with their employers over hours, wages, and conditions ofemployment. The goal of this legislation is to have each State pass a law providing minimumcollective bargaining rights to their public safety employees, and outlines certain provisionsto be included in those laws. Strikes and lockouts would be prohibited, and States withcollective bargaining laws already on the books will be exempt from any Federal statute.Support the “State and Local Law Enforcement Discipline,Accountability and Due Process Act” The FOP strongly supports a “bill of rights” for law enforcement officers who are, in anumber of jurisdictions, denied their due process rights by police administrators andmanagement in noncriminal proceedings. There is a need for a minimum level ofprocedural protections for law enforcement officers accused of administrative wrongdoingbecause of the gravity of potential harm to officers created by this lack of uniformsafeguards.NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #1The Fraternal Order of Police strongly supports H.R. 82/S. S. 597, the “SocialSecurity Fairness Act,” which would repeal both the “Windfall EliminationProvision” (WEP) and the “Government Pension Offset” (GPO) in current law.The WEP penalizes certain public employees who also worked in the privatesector and paid into the Social Security system, through a substantialreduction in their benefits, because they also collect a government pension.The GPO provision in current law causes the reduction or elimination of thespouse's survivors benefit from Social Security by two-thirds of the monthlyamount received from the government pension. Question: If elected, will your Administration actively support itsenactment and sign the bill if it is passed by Congress?DONALD J. TRUMPIf the legislation comes to my desk with bi-partisan support, I will sign thelegislation if it does not burden taxpayers with costs not otherwiseanticipated or for which we have not budgeted.KAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUES

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #2In 2001, the Commission to Strengthen Social Security (CSSS) issued a reportwhich rejected a scheme to mandate participation in Social Security fornewly hired State and local government employees currently outside theSocial Security system.Question: If elected, will your Administration pledge to oppose anylegislation which includes a provision mandating participation in the SocialSecurity system for either current or newly hired State and localgovernment employees who do not currently participate in Social Security?DONALD J. TRUMPThe national government — Congress or the President — should not interferein state and local activities. Agreements struck at those levels that do notviolate the Constitution should be left alone by those at the federal level.This includes rule makers and non-elected members of the executivebranch.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #3The Fraternal Order of Police strongly supports H.R. 3539, the “Public SafetyEmployer-Employee Cooperation Act,”legislation which recognizes collectivebargaining rights for public safety employees (i.e., law enforcement officersand firefighters).Question: What is your position on collective bargaining for Federal lawenforcement officers?Question: Would you also support legislation or take administrative actionto allow uniformed and non-uniformed Federal law enforcement officers tounionize and engage in collective bargaining?Question: If elected, would your Administration support this legislationand, if passed by Congress, sign it into law? Would you also supportlegislation to allow uniformed and non-uniformed Federal lawenforcement officers to unionize and engage in collective bargaining?DONALD J. TRUMPThe President does not have Constitutional authority to interfere inmatters that are to be decided and adjudicated at the state or local level. Irespect the right of organizations to engage in collective bargaining if thatis what is determined to be in the mutual interests of both sides. Thisshould be applied at the local, state and federal level.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #4The U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Grade Evaluation Guide forPolice and Security Guard Positions in Series, GS-0083 and GS0085 is shockinglyout of date. The current Guide was last updated in 1988—36 years ago. TheOccupational Information and Nature of Police Work sections are terriblyoutdated and do not reflect the current scope of responsibilities that a Federallaw enforcement officer has on the job today. For this reason, many Federal lawenforcement officers are denied the 6(c) retirement benefits and the ability toretire after 20 years of service at the age of 50 or after 25 years of service at anyage. To correct this, the Fraternal Order of Police strongly supports H.R. 1322/S.1658, the “Law Enforcement Officers Equity Act,” which would expand thedefinition of “law enforcement officer” under the Civil Service RetirementSystem and the Federal Employees Retirement System to include all Federalpolice officers.Question: If elected, will your Administration direct OPM to update its GradeEvaluation Guide for Police Positions? Question: What steps will your Administration take to ensure parity in the payand benefits provided to law enforcement officers across the Federalgovernment?Question: If elected, will you pledge to sign H.R. 1322/S. 1658 if enacted byCongress?DONALD J. TRUMPIf Congress passes legislation that will level the playing field for all federal lawenforcement officers and the legislation is bi-partisan, I will consider signingthe legislation into law if it is in the best interest of the American people.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #5The Fraternal Order of Police strongly supports legislation which wouldprotect the due process rights of law enforcement officers, many of whomare denied these rights in many jurisdictions by police administrators andmanagement. In addition, data collection of certain law enforcement metricsmay not always protect an officer’s due process rights or identity, which is amajor cause of concern.Question: Would you support legislation which would protect the dueprocess rights of law enforcement officers in non-criminal, administrativeproceedings?Question: If elected, will your Administration ensure an officer’s right todue process and right to privacy in any Federally controlled database ordata collection effort?DONALD J. TRUMPThe men and women of law enforcement need and deserve the safeguardsthat allow them to do their jobs, this should include qualified immunityand other privacy and due process protections as appropriate.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #6In the past few years, politicians at the Federal, State, and local level havecriticized unions, those representing law enforcement officers in particular.Law enforcement officers, who put themselves in harm’s way to protect theirneighborhoods and communities, are watching their rights to collectivebargaining and due process come under attack.Politicians at all levels ofgovernment have blamed their fiscal woes on the cost of hard-earnedpensions and benefits earned by law enforcement and other public safetyofficers. Question: What have you done or what will you and your Administration doto halt these politically motivated attacks on public safety unions and howwill you stand up for organizations like the FOP who represent theseofficers and are fighting to protect their due process rights and pensionbenefits?DONALD J. TRUMPI have the utmost respect for law enforcement organizations, public andprivate, and the right to collectively bargain. However, it is not the role ofthe President to get involved in activities at the local or state level. Thereare ample elected representatives and plenty of state laws that govern thecollective bargaining process at those levels. The executive branch of thefederal government has to deal with public unions at that level and shouldnot be involved in government business where there is no Constitutionalauthority.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #7The FOP is strongly opposed to legislation reducing pay and benefits for ourFederal law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line every day.Question: If elected, will your Administration pledge to oppose budgetproposals and appropriations bills that would cut or otherwise erode theretirement and pension benefits of our nation’s Federal law enforcementofficers?DONALD J. TRUMPI have always been pro-police and anti-crime. I will not allow one penny tobe cut from the retirement and pension benefits earned by our nation’sFederal law enforcement officers. SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #8In recent years, the law enforcement profession has been facing a real crisisin our ability to recruit and retain officers with the abilities, character, andintegrity to do a very difficult and increasingly dangerous job. Manyprofessions are facing similar difficulties, but many of the reasons retainingveteran officers and hiring quality candidates are so challenging are uniqueto law enforcement. Our profession has become more dangerous andbenefits—like good salaries, pensions, and healthcare coverage afterretirement—are no longer as attractive or competitive to the new generation.One major factor among veteran officers is the perception that electedofficials and police executives no longer support, respect, or appreciate therank-and-file officers who serve their communities. Prosecutors who haveplaced social justice ahead of public safety or refuse to keep dangerouscriminals who have multiple, serious charges or charges of violence in jailbefore trial—or even refuse to prosecute certain criminals—have left officersfeeling like their work is without value and that they are risking their livesneedlessly. Question: If elected, how will your Administration work with the FOP toaddress this recruitment and retention crisis?Question: In this Administration, the FOP and the U.S. Department of Laborhave been working on an apprenticeship program to support and expandthe policing recruitment pool and identify good candidates. If elected,would your Labor Department continue to work with the FOP on thisprogram?Question: What other steps will your Administration take to help retain ourgood, veteran officers and recruit the next generation of officers?SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUES

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #8 (CONTINUED)DONALD J. TRUMPI have consistently pledged throughout my campaign that we will give ourpolice back their power, authority, respect, and prestige, including byproviding federal indemnification for police officers doing their job, whichis a vital step toward addressing the recruitment and retention crisis. Wewill also use all appropriate authorities to ensure that local authoritiesenforce the law and not allow repeat offenders to return to the streetsbefore serving their full time. I also support a mandatory death penalty foranyone who murders a police officer. I will continue the FOP-Department ofLabor apprenticeship program to support and expand the recruitmentpool. SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #9There are some elected officials and politicians who claim that certainFederal law enforcement agencies, like the Federal Bureau of Investigations(FBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF),have become “weaponized” or “politicized.” There have been efforts inCongress to “defund” these agencies, reminiscent of 2020 efforts to defundState and local agencies nationwide. No responsible elected official shoulduse the power of the purse to retaliate against a Federal law enforcementwhich they falsely believe is a ”political weapon.” This not only hinders theFederal agency from carrying out their law enforcement mission, but many ofthese agencies are also deeply invested in assisting State and local lawenforcement through task forces and access to resources. If theappropriations of an agency like the FBI or ATF is reduced, they will no longerbe able to effectively support State and local agencies, effectively “defunding”the public safety mission. Question: Do you believe that certain Federal agencies have been“weaponized?”Question: Will your Administration promise to reject appropriations billsthat would “defund” Federal law enforcement?DONALD J. TRUMPWhile I support appropriate reforms to ensure that federal agencies arefulfilling their obligations to serve the American people, I oppose anyfunding cuts that would jeopardize the safety and security of Americans.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #10The FOP also believes that the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA)needs to be amended to specifically address mental health and wellnessneeds of Federal law enforcement officers. Studies have shown that PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and similar stress-related disorders areunseen psychological injuries that can be just as debilitating to a lawenforcement officer as any physical injury. Undiagnosed or unaddressedPTSD or other mental wellness issues can negatively impact an officer’sperformance as well as their quality of life.Coupled with depression andsubstance abuse issues, these mental and spiritual issues may ultimately leadthe officer to suicide. The veterans and law enforcement communities arestruggling to address the high rates of suicide and one of the most effectivemitigation factors to reduce suicide is often early and aggressive interventionin the form of peer or professional counseling. Question: If elected, what will your Administration do to ensure thatFederal law and FECA rules clearly account for these traumas like PTSD orother diagnoses?DONALD J. TRUMPI agree wholeheartedly that officer mental health and wellness needs to bespecifically addressed. I made access to mental health treatment a priorityduring my first administration in office. More than eight million Americansstruggle with PTSD, and I want them to know that they are not alone. Myadministration will partner with FOP on this issue and continue to improvethe lives of law enforcement officers, including by developing acomprehensive and holistic approach to tackle the challenges associatedwith officer wellness.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #11The previous Administration adopted a new job classification calledSchedule F that would have stripped civil service protection from Federalemployees "whose position has been determined to be of a confidential,policy-determining, policymaking or policy-advocating character."The FOPshared the concerns of many who feared that the new classification could beused to retaliate against employees, undermine collective bargaining rights,and due process rights.Question: If elected, will your Administration seek to revive the schedule Fclassification?Question: And, if so, will you pledge to ensure that Federal lawenforcement agencies and Federal law enforcement officers will beexempted from inclusion in Schedule F even if they have a confidentialand/or policy-related role in addition to their law enforcementresponsibilities?DONALD J. TRUMPI will work with FOP leadership on personnel matters that are of concern totheir members.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #12As an organization that represents rank-and-file officers on the job and at thebargaining table, we view employee contracts as sacrosanct. Contracts arelawful agreements between two parties—the employees and theemployer.Yet the provisions of these contracts have been challenged in thepast or unlawfully thrown out or ignored by elected executives, consentdecrees, or changes in government policies. This is not only a breach of trust,but also a breach of a lawful agreement. Question: If elected, will you and your Administration pledge to protect thesanctity of collective bargaining agreements and contracts with theFederal government and prohibit the use of Federal power and authority toviolate similar agreements between local and State employers andemployees? DONALD J. TRUMPI respect the right of organizations to engage in collective bargaining, andconclude agreements that should be respected, if that is what isdetermined to be in the mutual interests of both sides. This should beapplied at the local, state and federal level.SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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SECTION I: SECTION I: EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESEMPLOYEES' RIGHTS AND LABOR ISSUESTHE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #13The Fraternal Order of Police is the largest labor organization representingthis country’s law enforcement professionals and, as such, we have beeninvolved with this and previous Administrations on a wide range of laborissues.Question: If elected President, how will you involve and consult with ourleadership on labor issues facing the profession of law enforcement? DONALD J. TRUMPThe FOP will always have a place at the table when discussing policing andpublic safety in the United States or wherever we might be involved.KAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #14We must acknowledge that criminal justice is inherently a locally-controlledactivity—there are more than 18,000 individual local and State lawenforcement agencies that answer to local and State governments. TheFederal government cannot impose unfunded mandates without violatingthe Constitution, so Federal efforts to make changes at the local level arelimited to using Federal grants as incentives or penalties to achieve thedesired outcome. This is typically an ineffective approach, and, generallyspeaking, the FOP opposes using penalties to coerce local agencies on policymatters. It is vitally important that we strike the right balance to increase thechances of encouraging the adoption of the reforms we can all support. TheFOP supported Executive Orders addressing some aspects of criminal justicereform in this and the former Administration.Question: If elected President, what criminal justice issues do you believeare the most important for the Federal government to address and howwill your Administration work with the FOP on these issues?DONALD J. TRUMPThe FOP will always have a place at the table when discussing policing andpublic safety in the United States or wherever we might be involved. SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #15The FOP was the primary advocate for the Law Enforcement Officers’ SafetyAct (LEOSA) in 2004 as well as amendments to the statute enacted in 2010and 2013. The law exempts qualified active and retired law enforcementofficers who are properly trained and credentialed from State or local lawsprohibiting the carriage of concealed firearms. The FOP is working to expandthis exemption to include magazine capacity, the Guns Free School ZonesAct, and access to certain Federal buildings like post offices. The FOP stronglysupports H.R. 354/S. 1462, the “LEOSA Reform Act,” which recently passed theHouse, and which would fix current loopholes to better protect off-duty andretired law enforcement officers.Question: If elected, would your Administration support this or similarlegislation and sign it into law if it reaches your desk?DONALD J. TRUMPI support retired officers being able to carry, according to the laws of thestate in which they reside. Highly trained good guys with guns are the bestway to stop bad guys with guns. Law enforcement officers, along with allAmericans, have Second Amendment Rights, and I will always defend theSecond Amendment.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #16Ambush attacks on law enforcement and police shootings continue toincrease. In 2023, a record high of 378 officers were shot in the line of duty. Inresponse to the increased number of ambush attacks on law enforcementofficers, the FOP worked with allies in Congress to introduce H.R. 743, the“Protect and Serve Act.” The bill provides for criminal Federal penalties forthose who deliberately target law enforcement officers and inflict seriousbodily harm or death.Question: If elected, how will your Administration demonstrate support forlaw enforcement officers, and will you support and sign into law theProtect and Serve Act?DONALD J. TRUMPI support this legislation and also call for a mandatory death penalty foranyone who murders a police officer. I will give our police back their power,authority, respect, and prestige, including by providing federalindemnification for police officers doing their job. I will always defend thepolice and back the blue. SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #17On 6 January 2021, an armed and violent mob attacked the U.S. Capitol. Morethan 170 law enforcement officers were injured—some quite seriously—duringhours of intense physical combat. One officer died shortly after the attackand, within a few months of the violence, four other officers took their ownlives as a result of trauma they were exposed to that day. Five of the riotersalso died. The members of the mob did extensive damage to the Capitolbuilding and threatened staff and Members of Congress. More than athousand individuals have pled guilty or were found guilty and sentenced forthe crimes they committed that day. Hundreds of criminal cases are stillpending, and Federal law enforcement agencies continue to investigate,identify, and arrest anyone who committed crimes during the attack. Question: If elected, what will you do to help prevent political violence andmob attacks like this on government buildings in the future?Question: If you hold public office, and a similar attack occurs, withindividuals committing crimes of violence, please describe how you willreact publicly.DONALD J. TRUMPI have never condoned violence and believe that all people have the right tofree speech and peaceful protests.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #18The FOP has long supported programs like the 1033 program, which is asurplus equipment program administered by the Defense Logistics Agencies(DLA) and the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) at the U.S.Department of Defense (DoD). No Administration has produced any data orconducted any studies to support the theory that State and local lawenforcement agencies are misusing equipment obtained through thesesurplus equipment programs. Question: What are your views on programs like these and, if elected, willyour Administration continue to support the 1033 and other similarprograms?DONALD J. TRUMPIn my first administration, I re-instated the use of the 1033 program, and Iwill do this again in a second administration.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #19In July of 2019, Attorney General William P. Barr directed the Federal Bureauof Prisons to adopt an addendum to the Federal execution protocol andschedule the executions of five death-row inmates convicted of murderingchildren. This was the first time that the Federal government resumed capitalpunishment after nearly two decades. Between July 2020 and January 2021,thirteen federal prisoners were executed. In July 2021, Attorney GeneralMerrick B. Garland formally paused all pending federal executions.Question: For what crimes do you believe that the death penalty isappropriate?DONALD J. TRUMPExisting law already sets forth penalties for capital crimes at the federal,state and local level. The legislative process will determine what crimeswill have a death penalty attached. I continue to support the death penaltyfor anyone who murders a police officer.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #20True immigration reform requires action by the Federal government. TheFOP believes that any legislation reforming our nation’s immigration systemmust provide for greater security at our nation’s borders, aggressiveenforcement of immigration law internally, and enhanced penalties againstbusinesses and individuals that exploit and traffic in illegal laborers.Question: How will your Administration address the border crisis, and willyou work with the FOP to improve the security of our border?DONALD J. TRUMPLess than four years ago, I handed the current administration the strongestborder in American history. We ended all catch-and-release, shut downasylum fraud, stopped human trafficking, and forged historic internationalagreements to keep illegal aliens on foreign soil. I will reinstate every singlesuccessful policy we pursued to secure the border during my firstadministration, and we will work with FOP to do it. SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #21The FOP has been very vocal on the issue of “sanctuary cities” and has beenadamant that local and State law enforcement agencies should alwayscooperate with their Federal colleagues and vice versa. However, the FOPopposes withholding law enforcement and public safety funding on thebasis that in so doing, the public safety implications are compounded. Inmost cases these “sanctuary” jurisdictions were established by policymakersat the local or State level. It is unfair to penalize the law enforcementagencies serving these jurisdictions for the political decisions of electedofficials which prohibited or impeded cooperation with Federal agencies.Question: Do you agree? If so, how will your Administration address theissue of “sanctuary cities?”DONALD J. TRUMPSanctuary cities undermine law enforcement and endanger communities. Iwill commit to do everything within my power to ensure safety forcommunities across America. I will always support law enforcement andensure that they have the resources they need to effectively do their jobs.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #22The FOP is very concerned about the use of highly sophisticated encryptiontechnology that is used by traffickers in online child pornography, child sexexploitation, as well as by organized criminal organizations and terrorists.With “Big Tech” often unwilling to provide court-ordered information, evenupon presentation with a valid search warrant, the FOP is asking Congress tomandate lawful access to help law enforcement investigate these crimes.Question: If elected, will you promise to work with the FOP to ensure lawfulaccess to digital evidence while still safeguarding user security and privacyrights?DONALD J. TRUMPI will work with FOP to find the appropriate balance between safeguardingprivacy rights and ensuring lawful access to digital evidence. SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #23The FOP is vehemently opposed to H.R. 1525, the “Fifth Amendment IntegrityResolution (FAIR) Act,” which would amend current law to prohibit Federalagencies from conducting nonjudicial or administrative forfeiture and wouldrequire that any forfeitures be ordered through a U.S. district court. It increasesthe standard of proof to “clear and convincing” evidence that the seizedproperty was used to commit or facilitate a crime and the proceeds of anyforfeitures would not go to the agency or executive Department that made theseizure or to the Victims Compensation Fund but would be deposited in theTreasury Department's General Fund. Finally, the bill would end the practice of“equitable sharing.” State and local law enforcement forfeitures would begoverned entirely by State law. Similar administrative efforts have beenundertaken by this and previous Administrations. If this bill becomes law, theresults would be catastrophic for State and local law enforcement and Federalefforts to support victims of crime. It will protect the illicit profits of criminalactors and literally allows crime to pay.Question: If elected President, will you promise to veto this legislation is ifreaches your desk?Question: Will your Administration support Federal asset forfeiture programsand the equitable sharing program?Question: If reforms are necessary, will your Administration pledge to workwith the FOP and allow law enforcement input on any changes to this vitalcrime-fighting tool?DONALD J. TRUMPI pledge to work with the FOP to ensure that these programs continue tosupport victims of crime, remain a vital crime-fighting tool, and preventcriminal actors from profiting from their crimes. SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #24The FOP strongly opposes H.R. 4639, the “Fourth Amendment Is Not For SaleAct,” which would have a profoundly negative effect on public safety and on theability of law enforcement to conduct investigations into violent crimes likemurder, kidnapping, terrorism, and other serious public safety threats. The billwould cut off access to vital investigative tools routinely used by lawenforcement agencies every day—tools that generate leads into crucial andoften complex cases. Investigators do this by selectively using third-party data,which is widely available for use for a variety of purposes that have nothing todo with public safety. If a probable cause standard were to be imposed foraccessing this type of information, routine investigations will become arduousand time consuming—delaying justice for victims. Investigations in which time isa factor—like kidnappings or human trafficking—will become impossible tosolve, and lives could be lost. By prohibiting access to this commerciallyavailable data, we would be tying the hands of law enforcement and riskputting victims in life-threatening situations.Question: If elected President, will you promise to veto this or similarlegislation if it reaches your desk?Question: Do you support law enforcement’s continued access to thesecommercially available crime fighting tools?Question: Will your Administration pledge to work with the FOP in acollaborative way on this issue to address any genuine privacy concernssurrounding the use of this data without resorting to a short-sighted acrossthe board prohibition?DONALD J. TRUMPI will always collaborate with the FOP on these issues and I am committed toensuring that law enforcement has the resources to restore law and order.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #25Fentanyl and other synthetic and analogue drugs are serious problems in ourcommunities and something our members deal with every day. The DrugEnforcement Administration (DEA) temporarily classified fentanyl-relatedsubstances as Schedule I under the Controlled Substances Act. Congress hasextended this scheduling several times, but only on a temporary basis. TheFOP supports doing so permanently. Question: Will your Administration support legislation that wouldpermanently schedule these substances?DONALD J. TRUMPThe classification of controlled substances, including their temporary orpermanent status, requires thoughtful input from law enforcement, healthprofessionals and other experts to make sure that these decisions aremade in the best interest of the health and safety of all Americans.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #26Under the Federal Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is a Schedule I drugand is classified as such because of the high potential for abuse and becausethere is no accepted medical use for marijuana that is recognized by theFederal government. Many States have legalized the use, sale, production,and possession of marijuana for recreational and purported medicinalreasons, which is at variance with existing Federal law. States that haveelected to disregard the Federal prohibition on this drug have not been ableto mitigate the black market in their jurisdictions or prevent trafficking intoand from other States. Marijuana, like any illegal drug, is a risk to publicsafety. It is intrinsically linked to the violence of drug trafficking and is not“harmless.” Recently the U.S. Department of Health and Human Servicesrecommended that the drug be reclassified as a Schedule III drug and thatrecommendation is currently being reviewed by the Drug EnforcementAdministration (DEA) and the current Administration is taking steps to beginthat process.Question: Do you agree that marijuana should be reclassified?Question: How will your Administration proceed on this issue and, ifelected, will you pledge to work with the FOP on this issue?DONALD J. TRUMPThe classification of controlled substances requires thoughtful input fromlaw enforcement, including the FOP, health professionals and otherexperts to make sure that these decisions are made in the best interest ofthe health and safety of all Americans.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #27The previous Administration restored the Federal asset forfeiture program,including the equitable sharing programs, and has adopted additionalprotections for claimants and provided for greater transparency with respectto the process. The FOP strongly supported these actions but remainsconcerned that Congress will again try to end the equitable sharing programand Federal asset forfeiture, which we believe will hurt our ability to fightcrime.Question: If elected, will you pledge to support the current programs onasset forfeiture and fight to maintain their use as a law enforcement tool?Question: How will you work with the FOP on this issue?DONALD J. TRUMPSee my response to question 23 above which is a very similar question. (Ipledge to work with the FOP to ensure that these programs continue tosupport victims of crime, remain a vital crime-fighting tool, and preventcriminal actors from profiting from their crimes.)SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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THE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #28Law enforcement is an exceedingly dangerous profession, with an average ofone hundred and fifty (150) officers dying in the line of duty every year. Since1962, the Federal government has recognized the sacrifices of lawenforcement officers killed in the of duty by designating 15 May as “NationalPeace Officers Memorial Day.” More than 40 years ago, the National FOPbegan holding a Memorial Service on this day to honor the memories of thefallen officers and their loved ones.This event is held on the West Front of theU.S. Capitol and is attended by the family of the officer as well as thousandsof fellow officers and friends. For most of the last 30 years, the keynotespeaker for this event has been the President of the United States. Question: If elected, will you commit to attending this solemn servicehonoring the survivor families and the memory of our nation’s fallenheroes?DONALD J. TRUMPI had the honor to be the keynote speaker at every Peace Officers MemorialService that took place on the National Mall during my presidency — in 2017,2018, and 2019. To the best of my ability, I will continue to keep thatcommitment.SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESKAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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SECTION II: SECTION II: POLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESPOLICING & CRIMINAL JUSTICE ISSUESTHE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALQUESTION #29The Fraternal Order of Police is the largest labor organization representingthis country’s law enforcement professionals.Question: How will you involve and consult with our leadership concerningany legislation, hearings, or other Congressional activity relating tocriminal justice and policing issues?DONALD J. TRUMPThe FOP will always have a place at the table when discussing policing andpublic safety in the United States or wherever we might be involved.KAMALA D. HARRISThe Harris campaign issued their response in a letter. The unedited letterstarts on page 38.

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NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICETHE VOICE OF OUR NATION'S LAW ENFORCEMENTWWW.FOP.NET@GLFOP@FOPNATIONALFounded in 1915, the Fraternal Order of Police is the largest lawenforcement organization in the United States, with more than377,000 members. With national offices in Nashville, Tennessee,and Washington, D.C., the FOP is committed to improving theworking conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety ofthose who serve through education, legislation, information,community involvement, and employee representation. Please visit for more information.NATIONAL FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICESteve Young Legislative Advocacy Center328 Massachusetts Avenue, NEWashington, DC 20002(202)